Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Fortunately for Law and Order, It's Soon To Be a Federal Offense Voters in Columbia, Missouri have apparently passed referenda decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana: Voters cut marijuana penalties:
New Government Seizure Here's an interesting story: U.S. orders airlines to turn over passenger data:
The records sought include the names, addresses and itineraries of passengers who traveled on 72 carriers, including AMR Corp.'s American Airlines and UAL Corp.'s United Airlines, the Transportation Security Administration said. It's a continuation of a dangerous precedent that starts with eminent domain and what's next? Source code for applications so that Homeland Security can audit it? The contents of an author's first draft manuscript to ensure it's not incitement of some sort? Your grandmother's brownie recipe to make sure it lacks hashish? But the government continues to find new and innovative ways to get private property from us, ainna? Friday, November 12, 2004
The Safety of More Cameras Here's a heartening story for those who like security cameras: Apparent kidnapping videotaped by California mall camera; woman put in trunk of car:
Shoppers nearby seemed to notice the incident Sunday night, but none attemped to stop it. Police on Thursday were still trying to determine the identities of the woman, who appeared to be in her 20s, and two men seen on the tape made at Corona Discount Mall about 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Now, class, how would this scenario played out differently if the woman had been carrying a gun? To add fun to the story:
The department had received several calls from witnesses and others in recent days, but had no solid leads, Officer Jesse Jurado said. He said investigators had not yet ruled out the possibility that the incident was a hoax. I guess they'll know when they find the body. Wisconsin Expats March on Local Fox Affiliate That's what the headline will be on Monday if this story is any indicator: 'Warner Factor' influences KTVI:
Channel 2, the local Fox network affiliate, was hit with a barrage of complaints and significantly lower ratings two weekends ago when it switched from the lopsided New York Giants-Minnesota NFL game to the much closer Detroit-Dallas contest. "It's the Warner factor," KTVI general manager Spencer Koch said, referring to the presence of former Rams standout and fan favorite Kurt Warner as the Giants' starting quarterback. "We learned our lesson. We're now a 'dedicated market' for the Giants." Choosy Beggars Here's what you should put in a "perfect" Scouting for Food bag this year:
Nobody Learns Latin Any More Back in the old days, we could say ex post facto, but apparently nobody in Webster Groves studied Latin:
Book Review: The Big Fix by Roger L. Simon (1973) I bought this book, a 2000 paperback reprint of the 1973 novel, for five bucks during my book buying spree in Springfield this weekend (wherein I bought 26 new books for myself, which I cannot fit onto my swamped to read bookshelf and must stack on the floor). Mr. Simon, I want you to know that I bought it at an 80% off store, not a used book store, so I hope you'll get your pennies at the end of the quarter from the purchase. Unlike other bloggers whose books I have bought used. Well, the quality of the book drops from the cover, wherein Ross MacDonald lauds it, to the introduction, where an apparently hashish-enhanced Richard Dreyfuss, that guy who co-starred with Mike the Dog in Down and Out in Beverly Hills (and, I guess, The Big Fix movie, which would make him keenly insightful into American detective fiction). Dreyfuss gushes about the sixties, man, and how Moses Wine is all that and a big bowl. The book certainly pays homage to Ross MacDonald and Raymond Chandler. The setting is a light version of Ross MacDonald's California, not the romanticized landscape of Chandler. The main character is well-read and intelligent man, albeit one who indulges where Philip Marlowe would abstain. Sure, Marlowe drank, but tells a naked Carmen Sternwood to put her clothes on and go home. Wine? He smokes all the dope and hash profferred and takes the freebie from the prostitute. So the main character is likeable enough, but not someone whom I'd want to emulate. So he falls underneath Marlowe, Spenser, and others in the genre. I'm sure Moses Wine is a good role model if you want to be a self-indulgent adolescult (or however you would spell it phonetically to get the proper ess sound out of the sc) like some baby boomers, particularly those I would imagine in California. But not for this stoic-worshipping hard-boiled reader. The plot, in a timely enough fashion, revolves around a barking moonbat whose support could derail a Democrat candidate's chances in the primary, and a cabal of rich shadowy figures have their own reasons for it. Moses Wine has to delve, rather easily, into leftist political groups and individuals to find out why. Here's a hint: It involves Satanism and gambling, but no overt Republicans, although holding companies and corporations play a role. It's also quite the period piece; as I was reading it, I was imagining it in the fashion of Altman's The Long Goodbye which came out the same year. I did have a little trouble keeping up with the characters and their roles when I was reading a chapter a night, but it eventually cleared into a climax which would have ended differently undoubtedly if Moses Wine carried a gun--which he doesn't, of course. But I enjoyed it, thankfully, since I bought the rest of the Moses Wine series except for Wild Turkey for five dollars a throw this weekend. Because he's a blogger, see, and I hope someday he'll repay the favor. Annoying In a reasonable post about gay marriage over at Just One Minute, the author offers an update to "refute" an argument by his opponents:
Marriage is a special case because not only does it represent a behaviour that governments should not regulate--the right to copulate with and spend time with someone-or-more and to raise a family with someone-or-more --but it also adds a layer of government regulation on top, kind of an incorporation of that relationship to confer benefits on it. Ergo, although government does not, in most cases, restrict the behavior in question, it does confer special benefits upon a certain subclass of that relationship--that one instance of a man and a woman. Marriage is not a basic right, nor are any "rights" of this sort where the government, instead of not prohibiting a behavior, rewards a behavior. These bennies that stem from the government are never a right as they do come from the government at the government's indulgence. But a lot of people blur the definition of basic right, intentionally or not, to include what their government gives to them instead of what their government cannot take from them. Thursday, November 11, 2004
More Other Things I Remember In response to Other Things I Remember, reader (not "one of my readers", my reader) KG sends in his list of things he remembers:
So here are some other things I remember on a good day:
Basic Flaw in Educational System The St. Louis Post-Dispatch does some fine investigative journalism--namely, examining public records--to uncover a fundamental flaw in the public educational system as exemplified by the St. Louis City schools. The problem: lots of money going to administrative personnel, including a number who make over $100,000 a year. Story: High-paying salaries triple in district. Too many administrators drawing on too much gravy. I mean, how many assistant superintendents do you need? There's too much infrastructure designed to perpetuate itself and its funding, and too little of the money goes to teachers and to purchase resources that actually directly impact the students. I don't disagree that you have to competitively pay administrators, or that some administration is necessary, but I do question the number of employees who spread the gravy around. Crunch Time I'm reminded of a project manager who once used, "We all have to pitch in and give a little extra when crunch time comes...." when I read this story:
Tales from Psuedo Bachelorhood IV DVDs III and IV: El Mariachi and Desperado. Wow, with El Mariachi, I felt sophisticated since it was a foreign film with subtitles. It didn't hurt that I could recognize or improve upon the English subtitles with my on-the-spot translation.... Perhaps students who want to learn Spanish should watch more videos with subtitles as part of immersion learning. This film certainly had a Western feel to it. Desperado, on the other hand, does diminish the experience somewhat. Of course, watching them back-to-back, one immediately recognizes the casting of the original Mariachi, Carlos Gallardo, as Campo. Still, the moviereminds me of watching a third person shooter video game. And although Selma Hayek's navel is nice, come on: the hair looks a little coarser than the vibrant, auburn locks that make a man's heart race. Also, is it just me, or are the villians in both movies kinda gringoesque? Perhaps I'm just sensitive. Or perhaps Robert Rodriguez is demonstrating his anti-Anglo bigotry. But since I could empathize with the universal nature of his hero, I forgive him. Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Further Adventures in Pseudo Bachelorhood III Movie #2: Blue Steel (1934) starring John Wayne. This is the B-side of the double feature DVD I picked up for like $6.00. Hey, I have to hand it to Leisure Entertainment, these transfers are pretty clear and crisp, but this is a 1934 movie, chock full of horse riding and bad men and the double-crossing land grabber. However, it's only fifty-five minutes long, so they cut things like characterization and sped up some of the horse riding to make the cut. Still, it's the Duke. Oddly enough, I dreamt of an Indian last night, even though neither of the Westerns I watched had Indians. They were cowboys-and-bad-cowboys pictures. Further Adventures in Pseudo Bachelorhood II DVD #1: Angel and the Badman starring John Wayne. Okay, so there's a guy with a checkered background and a hot Quaker babe. Why is it that all of these movies I watch when Heather's away remind me of her? Except she's not a Quaker, she's more an Unreal Tournamenter. But that's beside the point. Also, what's with the GFW final scene of the pic, where the marshal says that only the man who carries a gun needs one? The headlines are full of people who could have used guns but didn't have them. Damn the person who wrote this flick, I hope the HUAC got him blacklisted. Well, I exaggerate. But that's prone to happen at 0:14 am. Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Other Things I Remember Here are some things that I can actually remember, and it makes me feel old:
Perhaps I shall swizzle more beer instead. Further Adventures in Psuedo Bachelorhood Checklist of things to do when Heather leaves:
Monday, November 08, 2004
Book Review: On the Run by John D. MacDonald (1963) When I was in Milwaukee in October, I visited Downtown Books and bought a number of John D. MacDonald paperbacks, including this one, immediately after I read Judge Me Not. Well, okay, it was the next morning, but I plunked down $1.95 each for five of them. On the Run runs long at 144 pages, but the title page indicates it was based on a story published in Cosmopolitan. A lot of the filler material includes long passages of declarations of love between the protagonists and a lot of early 1960s I'm OK, You're OKism. Also, orgasms for women are good, and women who want them are not too much for a man to handle, they're just right. The premise, or at least the tease on the back cover, is that a man on the run from the mob is startled to find a beautiful woman who claims to represent his unremembered rich grandfather who wants to find his estranged grandchildren before he dies. The Man On The Run (MOTR) thinks it's a scam, but he soon falls for the Cosmobabble of the liberated woman, who happens to be the rich grandfather's nurse. The book represents the worst pacing I have ever seen in a John D. MacDonald book, and I really hope he chalked this one up as an experimentation in style and a departure because he wanted to grow as an artist. However, at its slight weight, it's interesting enough to follow to its conclusion, one of the darkest I have ever seen in a John D. MacDonald book--although the dark ending matches the beginning of The Green Ripper. Well, sorry, MacDonald fans for blowing it for you. Wall To Wall Heather's got a surprise coming when she returns from her business trip this weekend--I'm recarpeting! Please, don't anyone ruin the surprise. Is That An Order? My wife said to me last night, "Honey?" "Yeah," I said. "Never mind," she commanded. Which puts me in quite the logical bind. The next time she tells me to do something and I don't do it, she'll be angry, but I am only following orders. Of course, if I do the next thing she tells me, I am also not minding. Just to be safe, I think I shall sit in the recliner and pretend I didn't hear. |
To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."
"I will." Heather L. Igert, "Genuis." Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times "Some wanker." Kim du Toit, on the Noggle Library. "Brian J. Noggle apparently forgot that the proper design for a tin foil beanie calls for the shiny side out." Robb Allen, Sharp as a Marble. "I'm weeping openly right now. Thanks for hurting my feelings, pinhead." Bob Rybarcyzk, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Instapundit Protein Wisdom Ace of Spades HQ Wizbang! Outside the Beltway Robert B. Parker Dustbury Damn Interesting Michelle Malkin Radley Balko's The Agitator Exultate Justi Yippie-Ky-Yay! Signifying Nothing The Jawa Report Master of None Professor Bainbridge Virginia Postrel Ken Jennings Electric Venom Joanne Jacobs Faster Than The World Dilbert Blog Junkyard Blog In DC Journal IMAO Baldilocks Powerline Q and O Hugh Hewitt Buzz Machine Daniel Drezner Kim Du Toit Roger Simon Asymmetrical Information American Digest Blackfive The Volokh Conspiracy Ranting Profs The Patriette Balloon Juice Cold Fury Belmont Club Captain's Quarters On the Third Hand Tim Blair Chequer-Board Free Will Blog Emperor Misha Just One Minute Blame Bush Inaniloquent Trey Givens OverLawyered BucciBlog Little Green Footballs Overtaken by Events Rocket Jones Suburban Blight Another Rovian Conspiracy Angelweave Boondoggled VodkaPundit Bad Example Boots and Sabers Triticale Ann Althouse The American Mind MAWB Squad Spector's Hockey Fark /. 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08/05/2006 08/06/2006 - 08/12/2006 08/13/2006 - 08/19/2006 08/20/2006 - 08/26/2006 08/27/2006 - 09/02/2006 09/03/2006 - 09/09/2006 09/10/2006 - 09/16/2006 09/17/2006 - 09/23/2006 09/24/2006 - 09/30/2006 |