Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Saturday, October 02, 2004
The Next Logical Step Down The Slippery Slope State Representative Frank Boyle of northern Wisconsin gives insight into the proper role of the citizen:
Government seizes private property to whomever it thinks will generate the most tax revenue for it. What logically stops it from next using its citizens in the best, most revenue-enhancing way? More on the outrage at Boots and Sabers. Further Tales of Psuedobachelorhood Courtesy of Spoons. While the mice are away, the cats will play...with Spoons, who has nothing better to do. Another Helpful Error Message Here's a friendly error message courtesy of Browser Bug?
Error handling by blaming the user and the user's Web browser. Swell, Amazon. Undoubtedly, your developers have convinced your project managers that this is acceptable, when it's clearly not. Book Review: Instant Replay: The Green Bay Diary of Jerry Kramer by Jerry Kramer / Edited by Dick Schaap I bought this book for a dollar at the cheap bookstore in Springfield (you know, the one on Glenstone. Come on, people, work with me here; the name's not important, the six for five dollars hardbacks in the very back are). As the football season geared up, I thought this would be a worthy read, and hey, it was. Packers partisanship aside, it's a good book. The book chronicles the 1967 football season from the point of view of the veteran guard. He kept notes and recorded his thoughts on tape every day from the training camp through the end of season. It reminded me a lot of Blue Fire: A Season Inside the St. Louis Blues which I read last year; however, the two differ in that instead of a sportswriter, the point of view is all player. So in our daily capsules, we get inside the concerns of a 31 year-old football player, slightly afraid that he's losing a step to the younger players. We're coming fresh off of the Packers second consecutive NFL championship and their win in Super Bowl I. Kramer's got lots of outside investments that he worries over, and he mentions from time to time what's he's reading during the season. But the book does focus on the Packers, playing with Lombardi and with the loss of Paul Hornung to the new New Orleans Saints expansion team. As I mentioned, the book's told in a diary style, with each day having its paragraphs or pages whether Kramer goes hunting or participates in the Ice Bowl. This makes it easy to read in short chunks, although the pace and voice really make it entertaining enough to read in larger doses. Since the book chronicles an era before my birth, part of its charm lies in its details about a world I'd never know. Green Bay and Milwaukee described in the late 1960s and no mention of the War in Viet fucking Nam, man. Which differs, strangely, from the football season 2004, where the whole world's talking about that war. One does get a point of contrast between some aspects of the game then and the game today--no agents, limited free agency, and so on. And on the field: well, let's just give this some eighties kid perspective: the Jerry Kramer's biggest concerns in the opponents he needs to block are Father Murphy, Webster's adoptive father George Papadapolis, and Officer Moses Hightower. That's just weird. Friday, October 01, 2004
Don't Do Us Any Favors Those of you who didn't start watching the debates at 6:30 on CSPAN missed their interview with the University of Miami president and her remarks from the lowered microphone that she'd arranged classes, other acadaemic stuff, and a voter registration drive to get students more involved in the carnival that took place at University of Miami yesterday. Donna "I Am Not Bowzer" Shalala. Former Secretary of Health and Human services under William J. Clinton. Former head of University of Wisconsin (Mad). Organizing voter registration drives. Thanks, Shalalala. With So Many Words, How Could You Pick Just One? Thomas Eagleton opines in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in a piece entitled IRAQ: One word says it all: disaster:
Beg your pardon, Senator, but I disagree. I see differences between this war and the telewars of this century held up for cheap political points by forgotten (and hopefully, soon-to-be-forgotten) senators. I expect that history will judge the Iraq war much like it judges the Spanish-American War, The Mexican-American War of 1848, the Mexican incursions in 1910, or more recently the invasion of Panama; a small war remembered by a few historians and unfortunately not many citizens. Or history will judge the Iraq war like the reckless Iwo Jima incursion: a small battle with its own costs in service of a greater war. But history will not, no matter how hard some self-appointed men of history try, judge Iraq as a carbon-copy of Viet Nam. Opening Fire with the Forward Moonbattery The Bush administration, which rules the world and all of nature through Haliburton and Enron and Martha Stewart Omnipedia with the full support of the Optimists International and Boy Scouts of America, has decided to distract voters from its horrible environmental policies which are turning the northwest into desert and are strip mining all of the sanity from the northeast by temporarily closing the ozone aperature that its supporters at Coppertone paid for. It's the only possible explanation!!!1!!! Yeah, Me Too Instapundit reports reports over 8,000,000 hits last month and predicts that he'll see a traffic drop after the election. Hey, this site had 3,000 hits last month, and I think it will drop after the election, too. Actually, I think it will drop this month without an Instalanche to spur about a third of the total monthly traffic in a single day. But I don't write for the casual Internet readers. I toss off my insights for my own gratification and for you, the discriminating Internet reader. Something Stink in Suburbia? The Critics Love It Has anyone else noticed how metropolitan critics absolutely rave about television shows, novels, movies, and other art that celebrates how suburban life with suburban homes, commutes, and families suck? The San Francisco Chronicle's Tim Goodman gushes over Desperate Housewives. Thursday, September 30, 2004
Other Live Bloggings of Note Get old by Internet standards reflections here: VodkaPundit Instapundit The Spoons Experience Hugh Debablogging: The Wrap So when the pizza guy brought my pseudobachelor dinner this evening, he pointed to the Bush Cheney sign in the yard and was happy to see it (he explained in with a light Newyorican lilt in his voice). He said Bush was going to bury Kerry tonight. I'm disappointed he didn't. I think Bush and Kerry did about what we would have expected. Bush was on message, sometimes almost fumblingly so, Kerry was not intolerable. Kerry might have elevated his discourse from flip-flop to paradox, but he didn't speak in French. Kerry raised himself to nearly human, or perhaps lowered himself to nearly human, but you still get the sense that he's not quite sincere, not quite earnest. Bush is. And I'll still vote for Bush. Unlike Instapundit, I don't think Kim Jong Il will be nervous if Kerry's elected. He's about sanctions, resolutions, and Bush is about popping you one if you deserve it. Friends, that's a capital fear for other nations to have, particularly those with opposing viewpoints. This liveblogging experience brought to you without the aid of alcohol, because until I get a fridge in this office, it's a long trip to the kitchen for a refill. This evening's entertainment also brought to you without the skill of touch typing, which is why your content is thinner here than with the pros. But thanks for coming anyay. I should have listened to my beautiful wife and used that Mavis Beacon she bought me when I was but a young man of eight and twenty. Debablogging 35 Bush's statement: This is more than the next four years; this is the next hundred years and civilization. No draft. No vetoes over foreign policy. I believe, I believe, and then we, we, mountain metaphor and valley. Earnest, and he ends it very presidentially. His best performance of the debate, and he trumped Kerry's response. Debablogging 34 Kerry's statement: I served in Vietnam. I believe in strong aliances with weak countries. Also, I have many plans. And messages. Debablogging 33 Didn't Kerry say Saddam wasn't a threat earlier in the debate? Now he says that Saddam was a threat, but that's not the point. He's just paradoxed the whole debate. Wait, didn't the debate start at 8 pm CDT? Why does my computer clock say 5:34? The space time continuum has ruptured! Debablogging 32 On Putin, Kerry reminds us he served in Russia, mentions it's important, and then goes back to North Korea. Bilateral talks with China. Debablogging 31 The Putin question: Bush: Centralization in Russia in response to terror is bad, and I've said so publicly. Russia's an ally, though, and Bush invokes Beslan. Calls Vladamir by his first names, and values his personal relationship. A good, even-tempered response. Will Kerry want preemptive invasion to save the Russians and secure the nuclear material? Debablogging 30 In response to the nuclear proliferation thing, Kerry has plans and messages, but Bush has accomplishments. And missile defense. Concrete things. Kerry responds: I am a magician! I will wave my wand and North Korea and Iran will roll over. Debablogging 28 Kerry's not going to proliferate, and he's going to cut ours. He didn't say it; just that he's not going to build nuke buster bombs, but considering he's been in favor of nuclear disarmament, he's going to be all over it. Because it sends a good message. Of weakness. Debablogging 26 Kerry agrees with Bush's kudos to him. And he likes Bush's daughters. Respects Laura Bush. He also seems to think certainty is a bad thing. And stem cells and global warming are bad. Thank you, and good night! Debablogging 25 Bush: Kerry is a vet, and he's a great dad. Bush's handling the character question well. He then brings up the changing positions, which adds a coda, but in not deploying another attack, he's not being an attack dog. Debablogging 24 We're the leading donor to African/Sudan humanitarian efforts. Shouldn't Kerry be against this by rote? Why should America bear 90% of the burden? Cut and run and let the French exchange for a little oil. Bush mentions the rainy season. Showing some familiarity with the region and considerations above and beyond the headlines. Debablogging 22 Kerry breaks protocol and answers the previous question, starting to deflect the Darfur question. More sanctions, sanctions, sanctions. He's fumbling this one. He says we're overextended. Weakness. Got that, America? We're weak. This man didn't read his Hobbes nor Machiavelli. But they didn't write in French. Debablogging 21 When Bush closes when the red light flashes, he raises his voice and makes it sound like a question. He's got the real story on North Korea! So the North Koreans just magically built up their program just because Bush didn't sign the Kyoto accords? Does Kerry want multilateral or bilateral talks? Both. Debablogging 20 How does Kerry attack Bush's multilateral stance, as he's explaining now, on North Korea? I can hardly wait. Perhaps it will pivot on the inadequate drug coverage for seniors. Debablogging 18 There you go, Spoons, Kerry said "Eye on the Ball." Global Warming Treaty. Bush is getting better as he goes; Kerry is getting silly with his excited misspeaking. Kerry's fighting for proliferation? Debablogging 17 And Kerry says he would have made a better decision than Bush has regarding Iran. I guess Kerry would have invaded instead of using the UN, the EU, sanctions, and resolutions. Or should we citizens not think it all the way through? Debablogging 16 Thanks for the thoughtful response, Kerry. Stop with the outsourcing at Tora Bora crack; Bush was not throwing troops to their deaths and was sensitively tipping his hat to the allies in the region. Kerry wanted more of the same in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power, but not more of the same with the current regime. Discuss in the comments below. Wait, I don't have comments. Sorry. Debablogging 15 Bush's answer to another preemptive strike is the most thoughtful of the night; he's touching on his 2000 noninterventionism, his understanding of his duty, and the foresight that an iron fist in the velvet glove is what gives the handshakes in the smiling photoops their shape. Or something like that. Debablogging 13 Kerry's assuring that we're not going to have a long term presence, all right. How come he doesn't address that he's not in Congress fighting even now for funding troops while he continues to draw a paycheck to do....something. Debablogging 12 Man, perhaps Bush would have been doing a better job after a couple drinks like the rest of us. Debablogging 11 Kerry's not saying Vietnam, but he's making the shadow puppets with those hand gestures and his continual references to combat and that war. Honoring nobility? It's not about nobility, or honor, it's about winning. He mentioned some sort of cutting, but he changed his mind. He's going to hunt and kill the terrorists? Bush almost calls Kerry on it in the extension, which is that Kerry said who wants to tell someone that their son was the last to die for a mistake, and apparently he would, since the Iraq war was a mistake. Kerry's Pottery Barn rule invocation? What's his point? Debablogging 10 Bush is loving the husband of a soldier? Watch for the photoshops on CBS this week! But he's showing humanity, which is his strength. He continues to show a long range vision, too, with the continual reference to goals beyond getting elected. Debablogging 9 Bush was misleading, but *I* was not misleading? Through in a French quote to tell us how smart you are, Senator. Debablogging 8 What would be a last resort for Kerry? Another smoking ruin? A homeland so irradiated with dirty bombs that all we have left is our aircraft carriers? That's war as a last resort, Senator, and I hope you never get the opportunity to take America to war as a last result. Debablogging 7 Kerry hitting all placards: No alQaeda connection, no WMDs (which are coming across the border every day, that's not a flip flop-that's a paradox--Kerry has taken it to the next level!!!), no imminent threat that Bush would have gone into Iraq. Well, if Iraq had been Morocco, we wouldn't have invaded either. We all know. We all know. Crikey, Kerry, never mind. Debablogging 4 Bush rebutted Kerry well on the last bit, calling Kerry out for his denigration of the America's allies in the war. Debablogging 3 Kerry's getting a lot of tread out of the things that the blogosphere has already pointed out are bogus. Perhaps a better debate would have been Kerry with Vodkapundit. Debablogging II Kerry: They're not dying for a mistake, and if I'm elected, they still won't. I guess his point is a continued Bush administration is a mistake for which they should not die? Must Debablog.... Okay, here I am. Crikey, I'm a little disappointed in Bush's performance so far, but I hope he'll get better. A Gift for that Modern Drunkard Who Has Everything Hey, if there's a thoroughly modern drunkard on your Christmas list, you have plenty of time to order a flask camouflaged as a cellular phone. And everyone wondered why I started to carry a cell phone.... it's to get people used to seeing one on my belt.... Great Moments in Rhetoric Jay "Not Eliot Spitzer (Yet)" Nixon, Missouri attorney general, speaking about his crackdown on the evil criminal geniuses scalping Cardinals tickets:
Who's not an office holder in the state of Missouri. That's one parallel I would enjoy, too. That's a Friendly Error Message A little helpful note from Blogger: Internal Server Error Campaign Suggestion Paul Harvey led off with it this morning, and USA Today has written a story about it, so it's undoubtedly clear that as petroleum prices rise, so will the cost of heating our homes this winter. Unfortunately for those who would use fluctations in any market as campaign fodder, the brunt of the winter will occur after the election, but they can get ahead of the story and frighten voters. Let me explain how: First, you take a revered older statesman of the party, preferably one with a dynamite Nobel prize to his name. Then you put him on television, bemoaning the state of the country, and announce that citizens will have to put on sweaters and turn down their thermostats because of the policies of the current administration. Oh, yeah. That will work. Please try it, oh please please please. Campaign Suggestion Paul Harvey led off with it this morning, and USA Today has written a story about it, so it's undoubtedly clear that as petroleum prices rise, so will the cost of heating our homes this winter. Unfortunately for those who would use fluctations in any market as campaign fodder, the brunt of the winter will occur after the election, but they can get ahead of the story and frighten voters. Let me explain how: First, you take a revered older statesman of the party, preferably one with a dynamite Nobel prize to his name. Then you put him on television, bemoaning the state of the country, and announce that citizens will have to put on sweaters and turn down their thermostats because of the policies of the current administration. Oh, yeah. That will work. Please try it, oh please please please. Two Of These Things Are Not Like the Others From Richard Roeper's column in today's Chicago Sun-Times, entitled Young, untalented celebs coming out of woodwork:
There's Lindsay Lohan, who just a few short years ago was starring in "The Parent Trap." Now Lohan's a freshly minted 18, and she's busy clubbing, chain-smoking, feuding with Hilary Duff, hooking up with her boyfriend -- Wilmer Valderrama, the 24-year-old fifth banana on "That 70s Show" -- and denying rumors that her breasts have been surgically enhanced. It's a wonder the girl has time to make movies! There's Christina Aguilera, a pretty good singer who often looks like she's posing for Skank Monthly. Aguilera, who's been pierced more frequently than a porn star at a biker rally, now says she's going minimalist -- keeping just one special piercing. There's the little Hilton knockoff sister, Nicky, 20, who married her 33-year-old boyfriend in Vegas. Big sister Paris and fellow party girl Bijou Phillips were in attendance at the classy affair. There's Nicole Richie, she of the pierced nippled ring that triggers metal detectors everywhere. Why, there's even Barbara and Jenna Bush -- fine and decent young women, to be sure, but also way more into the party scene than, say, Chelsea Clinton. There's Jessica Simpson, with her giant blond head and her giant bronze chest and her giant capacity for playing the ditz. There's the rapidly aging Tara Reid, who looks like the third runner-up in the 1997 Miss Hawaiian Tropic Pageant. There's Ally Hilfiger and Jaime Gleicher, the spoiled-brat princesses featured on MTV's "Rich Girls." There's Mischa Barton. Seems like only yesterday she was the little ghost girl under the bed in "The Sixth Sense." Now she's all about string bikinis and the oil heir boyfriend and Fashion Week. I hereby deem Roeper a Juxtaposeur. Funny, he fails to mention any Kerry children who are prone to showing up at film premieres with see-through dresses and whatnot. I guess they slipped Roeper's one track mind, or maybe he doesn't want to blow his chances with them the next time he sees all of them at a film premiere. Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Tales from Psuedobabblerhood II The night's second Gary Cooper film, 1931's Fighting Caravans, depicted a young (and by young, I mean a year younger than my present age) Gary Cooper as a young ne'er-do-well scout on the trail from Independence, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, as part of a large wagon train beset by Indians. Not too many comments, but:
Also, I hope that I am like Gary Cooper. Although I am a stunning example of manhood in my thirties, I hope to get sexier as I near the midcentury mark and beyond. I'm still hoping to dodge the whole lung cancer thing, though. When Coloradoans Attack! Well, well, well. Seems that my post tut-tutting the concept of Colorado as part of the heartland has touched a nerve. First, Jared at Exultate Justi comments, and then one of his readers sends me this enlightened e-mail:
Dear Brian, Read your post "Colorado is not the heartland" (linked from Exultate Justi). I would suggest that you watch too much television if you think rather small, insignificant places like Aspen and Vail as typical of my state. Boulder? Show me a major college town that is not infested by leftist wierdoes. Athens? Lawrence? Chapel Hill? Not! Skiing? Actually, that 'sport' was developed by us as a tourist trap to sucker Texans and Chicagoans into spending their money. They also often spend time in our hospitals after this activity, further spending money. Sadly, many of these people stayed. Not the heartland, indeed! I am sick of all of you lowlanders thinking that this is some kind of snow-covered wonderland (we really ought to re-name sme of our sports franchises that reflect this misconception). Denver? typical nasty yuppie-infested big city. Colorado Springs? Imagine Birmingham, Alabama without the humidity. We are just as normal as any other place in the USA. Coors beer isn't very good either.Tales from Psuedobabblerhood So tonight's first movie is the 1932 rendition of A Farewell to Arms starring Gary Cooper and Helen Hayes. Here are my thoughts:
The Review Reviewed Over on, the author responds to my review of his novel A Death of Honor. Tales from Pseudobacherlorhood: Brian Shivs Cary Grant So I pardon me if I get a little, how do you say it, upset. As some of you know, when my beautiful wife leaves town for business or biking, I take refuge in DVDs to kill the long, lonely hours without the fuego de mi corazon, la luz de vida, and the woman who represents even more foreign language sayings with more italics. So this evening, when my beautiful wife has gone to a tropical location without me, I watch An Affair to Remember, not because I like chick flicks recommended by the Meg Ryan character in Sleepless in Seattle, but because I am researching the requisites for being a sensitive guy (please don't beat me up, Tap City codrinkers). Little did I know that the whole point was that the musically-minded, auburn-haired babe was travelling in a tropical location when she encountered a sharpie like Cary Grant, whom she decided that, as a non-practicing painter who could do the cha-cha and who had a grandmother in France with a good spread, was worth more than her faithful man at home. Pardon me if I take some offense. Mr. Grant (and his sharpie ilk), I have a pen right here with which I have practiced the particular angle that I can use to drive its blue ball point through your Xyphoid Process right into the lower quadrant of your left lung, so if you even dare start circling my wife in a stairwell, prepare for your lower tracheotomy, do you know what I am saying? Sure, the movie tried to make me forget my point by detouring into some musical sort of bits through the first part of the third act, with all those damn urchins singing, but I remained undeterred. No matter how many times they ran that damn "Affair to Remmeber" song through its various interpretations, I could hear nothing but "The Long Goodbye" playing on the car radio, do you get my drift? Criminey, this brings to mind several things:
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Friendly Warning When you're eating leftover Kentucky Fried Chicken, do not catch up on reading your back issues of Playboy magazine. The grease on your fingertips will leave marks on the pages which you will never explain to anyone's satisfaction. So I heard. That's a Distribution System I'll Enjoy Regarding the new, more-counterfeit looking fifty dollar bill, MSNBC reports:
On the other hand, I'm slightly disturbed the government can just beam them right in, but on the other hand, it's fifty bucks (as long as you can convince the cashier it's fifty bucks). On still another hand, I'm going to use this excuse the next time a scrip of paper that says Brian, Call Me Back, Love Your Bod, Candi falls from my wallet, I'm going to use the excuse that it just showed up at my wallet. Because That's my business contact at xxxxx just won't work when she mentions my bod. I think I'm out of hands now. Distilling E. J Dionne In today's Washington Post, E. J. Dionne writes a column entitled How To Win The Heartland. As a proponent and resident of the heartland, I was rather interested in hearing how a coastal intellectual would have his type of candidate play in drive around, but not out of unless it's necessary country (which is how I characterize it, but I don't care to fly). But then I realized he's talking about a senatorial candidate in Colorado. Colorado, home to Vail, Aspen, Boulder, and Denver. Sorry, Stephen, but I don't consider Colorardo to be part of the heartland. But that aside, let me distill Dionne's wisdom in how a Democrat can win even in the "heartland" into the two most salient nuggets:
Another Dizzying Intellect Heard From Why do you see so many black Republicans these days? Dave Berkmann of the Shepherd Express sees right through us:
In a Second Bush Administration, They Will Draft Dairy Cattle Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, John Kerry explains Bush's diabolical plans for cattle, including the dreaded Haliburton Battle Holstein. Or something. Monday, September 27, 2004
The Post-Dispatch Explains the Blogosphere From a news analysis piece on Sunday entitled New media beat old in testing veracity of Bush memos, which describes how bloggers uncovered the memo forgeries broadcast by CBS:
Remedial Google classes for all Post-Dispatch writers and editors, stat. Not stet, dammit, stat! Maybe That's Why He's Hoarse So I opened my mail, even the piece from John Kerry, because hey, you never know what you might get (Ed Gillespie sent me a dollar, which I am keeping, thanks, Ed!). Here's the pitch from John Kerry: ![]() Click for full size All caps? I don't think I have ever gotten a letter written in Internet shouting before. Crikey, these people and their typewriters. Mail Call One of these things is not like the others; one of these things does not belong. Can you spot it? ![]() Click for full size Do the Math The greatest Green Bay Packer quarterbacks were named Bart Starr and Brett Favre. That's a B-r-hard consonant ending first name followed by a single syllable last name. Coincidence? Who is to say what divine kismet is involved? However, I would like to point out that Brad Smith fits. Oh, yeah. Ms. Igert, a Mizzou fan and a Packer fan, is nodding in agreement. From Our Department of Unintended Consequences Desk Pack a large number of disparate people in an enclosed area, moving slowly, and what do you have? A tempting target:
Man, how can I get paid for bad ideas? I have a million of them! At $10 each, I would be rich! Sunday, September 26, 2004
I, Robot; Well, Not I, Personally I got an opportunity this weekend to see I, Robot, the 2004 film starring Will Smith and "suggested by" Isaac Asimov. In between shots designed to remind us that Will Smith has been working out, it wasn't a bad film. Not even a bad story. I don't remember if I've read the book--I remember mistaking it in my memory for Caves of Steel, which means I'm ultimately as reliable of a narrator as anything you'd find in a Philip K. Dick novel, but that's neither here nor there. Regardless, I thought I might comment upon those people who often unfavorably compare a movie to its source novel or an Alan Dean Foster novel compared to the original movie. Crikey, people, understand that the two are different media, with different ways of presenting a sometimes common story, which might differ in incidents and characters. I mean, let's face it, when you're arguing about which presentation is best, you're arguing about whose translation of The Iliad is best. Lattimore? Lombardo? Presented with the choice, undoubtedly an ancient Greek would shake his fist at both books and say that either one ruins the story because the dry text removes the storyteller's inflections and ability to alter the content for the audience. So yeah, although I think the original Battlestar Galactica was a triumph of storytelling and mythmaking, I won't automatically discard the new rendition because Starbuck's a hot chick, and I wasn't prejudiced against I, Robot the movie simply because it wasn't faithful to the Isaac Asimov original. And I don't want to ruin it for you, but don't remember early, as I did, that Deckard was a replicant. Book Review: Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz (2003) I bought this book earlier this year, for full price (minus 30%) from Borders because I didn't think I read enough contemporary fiction, or perhaps genre fiction, or maybe just good fiction. I was right; I read this book in under two days from the previous fiction book I read, which is some number of weeks less than it took me to read the penultimate fiction book. Maybe I shouldn't buy all of my books for under a dollar. So, onto Odd Thomas. This is the first Koontz I've read, undoubtedly influenced by those strange disembodied voices I heard telling me to read Odd Thomas--that is, the radio commercials for it. So I gave it a whirl, and I liked it. But since this is "horror" fiction, I have to compare Koontz to Stephen King, and I like them both so far, but each has different strengths. The first person narrator of this book engaged me immediately, and the voice carried me through the book. The book builds a lot of small incidents into a climax of less scope than a King book, but the voice carries the reader. King's books begin with what the dark half in The Dark Half would call the wetwork; third person narration, with each character likeable, but inevitably they start dropping like flies pretty early. On the other hand, King's foreshadowing is more subtle; although Koontx does the same, it's obvious that the paragraphs he dedicates to foreshadowing are foreshadowing; however, I forgive him that. The book deals with a 20-year-old fry cook in a desert community in California who sees dead people. When a stranger comes into the diner where he cooks, followed by a number of shadowy harbingers of bloodshed, Odd Thomas knows trouble is coming. And as he badly foreshadows, the trouble will change his life and that of his town, Pico Mundo, forever. That's a shorter summary than you'll get on the dust jacket, but it will take you not much longer to read the book. And I don't want to spoil anything for you, but Deckard was a replicant. Read This Nuance Over the weekend, I read an article in the Kansas City Star which explained that John Kerry's debate weakness was that he was too cerebral and nuanced. I couldn't find it for my wife, but here's another piece of the same flavor, written by the AP and courtesy of the Kansas City Star. Lead sentence:
"Bush debates the way Chris Evert plays tennis - no unforced errors," says Democrat Paul Begala, who played the part of the president in rehearsals with Al Gore for the 2000 debates. "He doesn't get out of his game. He won't try to get into philosophy and nuance and deep thinking."
Jurgen Streeck, a communications professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said that while Kerry is not a very lively communicator, the debates may provide a good setting to showcase him as "a thoughtful speaker." Bush, meanwhile, must guard against smugness. "He has that kind of smirk," says John Fritch, head of the communications department at the University of Northern Iowa and director of the National Debate Tournament. "Given the issues that we're dealing with, the casualties in Iraq, an inappropriate smile will not go over well." Says Begala, "If I were prepping Bush, I would warn him about crossing the line from self-confident to cocky. People like his self-confidence but there are moments, particularly when he's jacked up on adrenaline, when he crosses that line." Of course, this is AP, which Powerline has identified as a field office for the Kerry campaign anyway. |
To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."
"I will." Heather L. Igert, "Genuis." Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times "Some wanker." Kim du Toit, on the Noggle Library. "Brian J. Noggle apparently forgot that the proper design for a tin foil beanie calls for the shiny side out." Robb Allen, Sharp as a Marble. "I'm weeping openly right now. Thanks for hurting my feelings, pinhead." Bob Rybarcyzk, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Instapundit Protein Wisdom Ace of Spades HQ Wizbang! Outside the Beltway Robert B. Parker Dustbury Damn Interesting Michelle Malkin Radley Balko's The Agitator Exultate Justi Yippie-Ky-Yay! 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