Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Saturday, February 05, 2005
Hockey Season Continues Listen, fellows, you won't miss hockey if you go to Sports Juice, which carries Internet streams of many AHL hockey games, including those from the Milwaukee Admirals and the Worcester Ice Cats. Because it amalgamates the streams from their sources, you get an interesting hodgepodge. For example, a Christian music station carries the Milwaukee Admirals, so you get the commercials and promos you would expect on a Christian station. The stream for the Worcester IceCats (formerly the farm team of the St. Louis Blues before the NHL collapsed) carries the live feed from the mics on the commentators instead of the radio feed, so you get to hear what the commentators say to each other during the breaks. For example, tonight the commentator expressed belief that you would think the Missouri River Otters would be doing better than they are because of the players they have after reporting the signing of the former Blues defenseman Barret Jackman. You know, we should cross the river to see a UHL game before the season is over.... Paradox Warning! When my beautiful wife and I were in the grocery store, a disparate pair of magazine headlines intruded upon the sane world in which we live: ![]() Click for full size So Brad Wants Jen Back! and Jen Fights to Get Brad Back!? Yeeks, these are direct opposites by implication. Tabloids should be careful since their regular readers, who seem to care about the state of Bradnifer's marriage, might suffer from brain implosions when trying to comprehend how Brad is fighting for Jen and Jen is fighting for Brad. Fighting whom? Yeah, I know, I bought the magazines and only encouraged them. Shaddup. Book Report: Sunset Express by Robert Crais (1996) This book is where the Elvis Cole books become an obvious series, and that's not a good thing for a standalone novel. The plot revolves around Elvis Cole's experience as part of a high-profile defense team of a wealth restauranteur whose wife's body is found after she was beaten to death. Although investigators find the murder weapon on the estate of the husband, Elvis Cole uncovers proof of a kidnap plot the husband asserted. Or perhaps he's being made a patsy by the nationally-reknowned lawyer heading the defense. Unfortunately, Elvis has the evolving love with Lucy Chenier, which means that we have to deal with passages and chapters which deal with the series storyline, which detracts from the novel storyline. As a matter of fact, the middle of the book features a section where Cole has apparently solved the murder and is being feted as a hero but when Lucy grows distant. So the reader, or at least I, had to bridge this bit of emotional baggage with only the hope that something else would happen in the remaining 150 pages. Of course, as I am a glutton even for bad writing, I waded through the chapters until another problem/mystery presented itself, but that's a hard fjord to cross, brother, and might poor practice. I admit, I prefer series that are less sequential and where the books are self-contained units where the characters' growing/aging/lives don't represent a chunk of individual books. But then again, I prefer not to need to read books in order to get the most of them. Still, it's a fairly good book. Worth a couple bucks used. Even better when it's a gift. Warning Attention other husbands out there: Les Miserables is not an up-and-coming blues band. Your wife is tricking you to see a singing play. Don't fall for it, or you, too, might find yourself having nightmares about living in a world where everyone communicates by singing, and you only understand one word in four. Or so I heard. UPDATE: Another band geek weighs in. Friday, February 04, 2005
It Could Be Worse Professor Bainbridge muses on Donald Rumsfeld's reluctance to go to Germany:
Because that's the caliber of leaders to which some would have America aspire, or to whom America should kowtow. Thursday, February 03, 2005
Keeping Costs Down As Farrah explains at Cam
We run an ineffective, nonpopular blog! And we pass those savings on to you! (Link seen on Michelle Malkin.) Spot the Errors Trek fans, spot the error in this story about the end of Star Trek: Enterprise. Here, let me help:
(Link seen on Signifying Nothing.) Make Your Prediction So, gentle reader, what do you think will result from this crime?
Irvington Arms owner Martin MacDonald was livid over the break-in at his shop, where burglars used an aluminum baseball bat to break the front door and smashed display cases with a crowbar before making off with $20,000 in weapons. MacDonald blamed the break-in on the Police Department's policy -- announced last month but not effective until Feb. 18 -- that officers won't respond to burglar alarms unless they are told there is evidence of a break-in or security breach. "I think they basically invited crime into the neighborhood," said MacDonald, 35. "It's on every channel and in the newspaper. They might as well have said, in bold print, 'Commit robbery in Fremont,' because the PD won't respond. This was unacceptable."
Finally, a Timeline and an End Strategy Global warming: scientists reveal timetable:
The Montessori Method is for Sissies I'm involved in some personal study on Visual Basic.NET and have picked out an appropriate text, but sometimes it's hard to sit down and actually read and study. So last night, I developed the Noggle Method of education:
Also, my self-esteem is pretty high. Wednesday, February 02, 2005
The Upside of the Down Dollar Story in the San Francisco Chronicle: Delighting in the dollar's decline: Foreign visitors find bargains abound in S.F, other tourist areas:
The precipitous drop of the dollar against the euro and other major currencies has increased the buying power of foreign tourists. Hotels are seeing more overseas guests, and business at shops and restaurants has picked up. Post-Dispatch Headline of the Day From the morning's Law and Order round up:
An Alton man was killed late Monday after he drove off at high speed from an East Alton police officer and crashed a few blocks later. Well, not in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, whose unofficial motto is "It's always the police's fault." Book Report: In the Shadow of the Bear by Michael Sheehan (1990) I bought this book from the Bridgeton Trails library for a quarter. Why? I don't know. This book is the worst piece of pulp writing I've read in a long while, if not ever. Check it out:
At the far end of the catwalk, a face appeared as a guard reached the top of the steps located there. Burke squeezed the trigger and his weapon chattered out a message. The face fell from views, a shriek rending the air. Burke began to back down the first few stairs. He crouched there, just below the level of the catwalk. My, I don't know why this book is so bad. The writing is hypermasculine, but it doesn't fit together. The main character is a bottle of actions and vague generalizations about how drugs are bad. At about page 90, I started finding the writing style amusing enough to carry me through the other half. Skimming helped. The pacing? Ill. We get to the climax, where the bad guy has fled his laboratory to a secret helipad in the Canadian wilderness, the normally explosive climax plods. The DEA finds the helipad by intercepting signals from a Russian spy satellite--the one dedicated to watching the Canadian wilderness, apparently. During the course of the bad guy's quick escape, Burke goes back to headquarters, gets equipped, and then spends just under thirty minutes assembling a hang glider so he can sneak up on the secret escape base which lies in a ledge in a sheer cliff--the perfect fortress! Burke crashes his hang glider and has to rappel down the cliff, and the author spends three or four pages of the text describing rappelling technique. When the bad guy finishes up killing all of his henchmen but not the professor and his daughter, Burke is outraged at the carnage even though his body count at least doubles the butchery of the bad guy. Apparently Burke lives with himself because his mayhem has the rule of law behind it. Then the bad guy is eaten by a grizzly bear, and the professor's daughter serves a pastry called bear claws to the triumphant Burke and her father. Haw, haw. I know, I have fallen in among the cabal of conservative commentators who reveal the endings without warning the audience, but think I'm okay here because:
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Celebrate the Centennial Cathy Young writes about Ayn Rand on her 100th birthday. A very good piece which captures all of the beauty and all of problem that is the capital O in Objectivism. What's the Point? Britain: U.S. Must Help Avert Climate Catastrophe:
And please have an SUV tow it straight from the interior of Brazil. Government Ownership Society Your land doesn't belong to you, citizen, except at the government's leisure. Story:
He finally paid if off last year. But now Day, the son of Arkansas sharecroppers, faces losing his land and business. An agency backed by the city is preparing to take Day's business by eminent domain to make way for something called a "Media Box." I don't know about you, but I always suspect that government officials love these underused and underserving "arts districts" as personal come-ons to easy living and easy loving artists and wealthy, divorced or surviving spouse patrons of those arts. Arts districts don't tend to serve the entire community, contrary the Utopian wishes of their proponents. Arts districts serve the upper crusts of society who go to the theatre, the symphony, or the opera. Sorry, but save for school field trips, that doesn't tend to include the majority of Americans. So now the city of St. Louis will forcibly seize the land of a working man to make something for the benefit of the well-to-do. Typical. On a final note, I must include that this is a triumph for the Democrats who run St. Louis. I thought the Republicans were supposed to look and act like Mr. Moneybags from Monopoly Chance cards. I guess it's just whoever's in power. A Final Word on Vietnam From John Cole:
Monday, January 31, 2005
Remembering the Old Times, Back Before the AHL Became The Big Leagues Internet Hockey Database, featuring the best compendium of stats anywhere. (Link seen on Hockey Pundits.) Just Childish It's hard to believe that a grown-up wrote this column with Bill McClellan's byline in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
"I have a question," the young woman said. "The conservatives won. Why are they still so angry?" No, then McClellan has to explain how conservatives are the dweebs, geeks, and nerds from high school while liberals were the cool kids, the cheerleaders, and the athletes. The man's next step is fingerpainting his columns, folks, I kid you not. Sunday, January 30, 2005
Verb Abuse CNN Headline: Explosion targets Spanish hotel. I'm not a physicist, so take what I am about to say with a grain of sodium chloride, but Explosions don't target things; people doHeadline writers also use this when they want to emphasize an inanimate object's role in the event, especially when the prevailing windsom indicates that the object itself is bad. That's why you get SUVs running down grandmothers and guns killing innocent bystanders. Personification is a nice device in fiction or creative non-fiction. Journalists should probably avoid it, except when their journalism is fiction or creative non-fiction. Come to think of it, perhaps journalists are already adhering to this maxim. Another War Criminal Heard From In the weekly antiques column from the Saturday St. Louis Post-Dispatch, we find this war criminal:
There are photographs showing Hitler and his cohorts using these dishes in the Eagle's Nest hideout. The dishes were manufactured at the Meissen factory in Saxony, Germany. The pattern, known as Meissen Red Dragon, has been made since the early 1700s and was used not only by the German High Command, but also by several European royal families. Write down the story about how you came to own the plates, and be sure your family has a copy. Although no one is likely to consider your plates anything other than wartime souvenirs, you should be aware that ownership of items removed from Germany and other European countries during World War II can be legally challenged. Your plates could be worth $1,000 or more with proper documentation. |
To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."
"I will." Heather L. Igert, "Genuis." Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times "Some wanker." Kim du Toit, on the Noggle Library. "Brian J. Noggle apparently forgot that the proper design for a tin foil beanie calls for the shiny side out." Robb Allen, Sharp as a Marble. "I'm weeping openly right now. Thanks for hurting my feelings, pinhead." Bob Rybarcyzk, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Instapundit Protein Wisdom Ace of Spades HQ Wizbang! Outside the Beltway Robert B. Parker Dustbury Damn Interesting Michelle Malkin Radley Balko's The Agitator Exultate Justi Yippie-Ky-Yay! Signifying Nothing The Jawa Report Master of None Professor Bainbridge Virginia Postrel Ken Jennings Electric Venom Joanne Jacobs Faster Than The World Dilbert Blog Junkyard Blog In DC Journal IMAO Baldilocks Powerline Q and O Hugh Hewitt Buzz Machine Daniel Drezner Kim Du Toit Roger Simon Asymmetrical Information American Digest Blackfive The Volokh Conspiracy Ranting Profs The Patriette Balloon Juice Cold Fury Belmont Club Captain's Quarters On the Third Hand Tim Blair Chequer-Board Free Will Blog Emperor Misha Just One Minute Blame Bush Inaniloquent Trey Givens OverLawyered BucciBlog Little Green Footballs Overtaken by Events Rocket Jones Suburban Blight Another Rovian Conspiracy Angelweave Boondoggled VodkaPundit Bad Example Boots and Sabers Triticale Ann Althouse The American Mind MAWB Squad Spector's Hockey Fark /. TechDirt F*****d Company CNet News Joel on Software James Lileks Mark Steyn Bob Rybarczyk Richard Roeper Neil Steinberg John Kass Steven Chapman Drudge Report Ananova Slate Reason's Hit and Run Best of the Web Today National Review's The Corner Tech Central Station Fox News CNN Washington Post Washington Times Chicago Tribune Chicago Sun-Times Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel St. Louis Post-Dispatch San Francisco Chronicle New York Post Shepherd Express Riverfront Times New York Observer ScrappleFace Bob from Accounting The Onion Top Five List David Letterman's Top Ten BBSpot U.S. Constitution Declaration of Independence Snopes.Com (Urban Legends) Internet Movie Database Complete Works of Shakespeare Marvel Directory Blooberry HTML Reference ![]() Visualize World Hegemony ![]() Cog in the Machine ![]() Tao Sharks ![]() Humor not displayed ![]() Beware of Conservative 03/30/2003 - 04/05/2003 04/06/2003 - 04/12/2003 04/13/2003 - 04/19/2003 04/20/2003 - 04/26/2003 04/27/2003 - 05/03/2003 05/04/2003 - 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