Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Friday, May 06, 2005
Got Nothing As is often the case, I follow a day featuring an Instalanche with a day of nothing, just so I can sqander those residual hitz on emptiness. Still, you could always click over to Draft Matt Blunt 2008 to see some of the reasons why Missouri Governor Matt Blunt would make a good president in 2008. Here are two to start:
Ironically, It Probably Worked Forest fire 'biggest in 20 years': Landowner clearing burning site of grass ignited blaze:
Dogmatic Here's something for your Friday morning mirth: Baby Got Book It's funny, it's earnest, and it not mockery. Beautiful! (Link seen on Ace of Spades HQ.) Thursday, May 05, 2005
There's Reality, and There's Administration Benton Harbor, Michigan, school officials prohibit a marching band from playing "Louie Louie":
Benton Harbor Superintendent Paula Dawning cited the song's allegedly raunchy lyrics in ordering the McCord Middle School band not to perform it in Saturday's Grand Floral Parade, held as part of the Blossomtime Festival. In a letter sent home with McCord students, Dawning said "Louie Louie" was not appropriate for Benton Harbor students to play while representing the district - even though the marching band wasn't going to sing it. Another Surveillance Camera Triumph Small explosions outside the British consulate in New York:
Marquette's Mascot Symbolizes Its Ideal
I even wrote a column for the Marquette Tribune in 1992 defending the Warrior:
In the interest of saving the university some money, I would like to make my contribution to the "Name the Mascot" competition. There's no need for them to go throwing away money to a private consultant, even though I realize they just stuck us for ten percent more for just such academic emergencies. Let that much-needed cash go to making some dean's office more competitively decorated like that of other schools. Okay, the Native Americans got a little bent out of shape that the university used an image of a Native American for a while there. I know what great strain and emotional upset some of them must have gone through attending basketball games and seeing the mascot, even if it was a descendent of the original Native Americans. This great debate is not limited strictly to the campus. All over the country, groups of Native American are protesting the use of their heritage on athletic teams. I mean, I can understand. I abhor the New York Yankees. How dare they? So now the university needs a new, non-offensive mascot. Something that can be identified with the Warrior. I humbly submit the following. How about a white man dressed in skins carrying a club? Think about it, a nice barbarian figure for our sporting events. No, wait. That might be deemed too something-ist for our school if we featured a White European Male mascot like that. Besides, it is not a sort of figure easily identifiable with a Warrior. We'd hate to be mistaken for the Marquette Neanderthals. Okay, idea two. A nice knight figure. In armor. A chivalrous warrior. No, wait. That's still a European figure. Besides, some Arabic or Islamic groups might get angry because every few years a bunch of these guys would get together and try to take over the Middle East, or select parts thereof. Okay, check this out. An African tribesman. With a spear and paint. No, can't do that. The African Americans would have the same objections as the Native Americans. Well, how about a samurai in his battle robe and armor, helmet adorned with ox horns, quiver, gold-studded sword, his ancestral crest, the whole bit? Maybe a neat little pseudo-seppuku when the sports team is down? Oh, there's that blasted heritage argument again. How about that lone American warrior, the cowboy? Why not, Rick Fields classifies that historical figure as a warrior in his book The Code of the Warrior. Since I'm running low on ideas, why not? A six-gun and ten gallon hat, idealizing the American spirit of independence and swift justice. Uh-oh, wait a minute. Cowboys tended to shoot Native Americans, didn't they? Maybe this version of our mascot wouldn't placate them so well.... I have to admit, I'm getting a little frustrated here. When I think of a Warrior from history, I tend to think in terms of different heritages like that, and that's already proven to be taboo. Either the Warrior was the member of a distinct ethnic group that can and will be offended, and/or they killed people of an offendable group. I mean, that's the way I see it. Of course, that is ignoring the common denominator among all Warriors, which is some sort of hardiness and bravery, a willingness to risk their very lives in pursuit of what they thought was right, the skills of life and death intertwined into a person who would kill or die for honor and justice. The Native American Warrior did this. Maybe having a brave as our mascot is not so much a way of spitting on a race of man and saying "Nyah nyah, you injun," as it is a way of showing respect for a gallant breed of our species and the finest their culture produced. Or, I guess we could have Patty Smythe mousse up her hair and paint her face up and start singing, "Shooting out the walls of heartache, bang-bang..." But that might get a bit expensive. Other thoughts: Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Dr. Brian Performs a Humor Transplant Laura Bush at the White House Correspondents' Dinner:
JFC, what kinds of things do you have in your DVD players that led you to this conclusion? Personally, I am outraged enough with the whole concept of milking which requires manually grasping bestial teats. Perhaps this explains the preference I have had for beer over milk ever since elementary school. But do we have to always drag the level of discourse into the gutter when we could leave it, well enough alone, in the udder? (Unfortunately, I have Wonkettized this post, since hers is the blog where I found the transcript without, surprisingly, added sexual connotations.) Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Rasputin Lives! Well, Not Quite The Madison County, Illinois, Coroner is awful quick to call it suicide:
"This is probably the most unusual suicide case I've ever seen in my career," said Lt. David Hayes of the Alton Police Department. "It's a bizarre case; it really is." The Madison County coroner said Monday that preliminary autopsy results indicate Carver, who had several convictions, died of drowning. During the autopsy, performed Sunday, doctors pulled five small-caliber bullets that had lodged in Carver's body. The three shots to the head did not penetrate the skull, while one shot to the chest missed vital organs and the other struck the liver. Relative I am less Republican than Dustbury:
The Love Songs of Brian J. Prufrock I grow old . . . I grow old . . . I shall buy a CD box set of Hall and Oats. Monday, May 02, 2005
My Geekiness Makes Me Weak I watch this over and over again: Sith Apprentice on Atom Films. (Link seen on Ipse Dixit.) Practical Joke of the Day The laws of economics have really pulled a good one on the AFL-CIO:
(Link seen on Asymmetrical Info.) More Brains Special nod for creative presentation to the folks at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch who chose an unflattering picture of Pope Benedict XVI to accompany this story in Sunday's "News Analysis" section: ![]() Click for full size Jeez, I would have guessed that as a movie still from a zombie movie. What the heck? Would it have hurt so much to include a dignified photo? Eh, probably. Akin to sunlight on undead journalist flesh. Book Report: Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story by Paul Aurandt (1977) I inherited this book, but it is marked fifty cents, so my aunt must have gotten a fairly good deal on it at a yard sale. It's probably worth that much, but not more. For those of you who don't know, you damn kids, Paul Harvey is the Internet for radio. His news programs are full of folksy, mostly true eye-twinkling stories of Americana interspersed with drop ins for macular degeneration medicine and expensive bed systems. Sort of like Charles Brennan's show on KMOX, except with wit, charisma, and intelligence. Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story features longer bits that tell an anecdote or story about a known or unknown historical persona. Once again, the stories Paul Harvey tells are as true as the Internet: probably true, but don't base a doctoral dissertation on the premise or anecdote. This book captures 81 stories of that nature. Paul Aurandt, Paul Harvey's child (not a love child left behind in Indiana, either; Aurandt is Paul Harvey's last name) collects them, and although I don't know if it's really the case, I suspect he wrote them. Did Paul Harvey read them on the air? Who knows? The style, unfortunately, reflects that tone and pacing, though. Unfortunately, the pacing of a short radio program doesn't translate well to the page. It's too short and choppy. I've a similar complaint to Charles Osgood for his collections of The Osgood Files. It's odd, though, that radio doesn'tt ranslate well, whereas television vignettes of similar duration--such as Dennis Miller's rants or Andy Rooney's minutes--do. Were I that interested, I would break down and scan the programs for variations in rhythm displayed when the speaker knows he cannot see the audience and they him. At any rate, the book was a quick read, easy to pick up for a short duration of reading, and engaging in that these stories want you to guess before the conclusion whose story you're reading. So it's a short time waster, brain fodder, and probably eighty percent or more accurate. Post-Dispatch Beats the Merger Drum Louder Do it for the jurors!
Rejoining the two could save money for both by combining services such as fire and police. It would also go a long way in helping officials share the burden of parks and stadiums enjoyed by residents across the region. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch continues to bang this drum on its own to, well, drum up support for the idea, but I don't think it will (and sincerely hope it won't) convince the more populous county to link up with a carcass whose politicians have sucked it dry and are still hungry. Well-Informed Journalist Group Pushes Restricting of Cold Medicine:
But that's just the word on the street, as filtered by a blogger who only hears the silence on the cul-de-sac. Meanwhile, the media gives play to a group espousing more regulation. Shocker. Put out the Drudge siren. Speaking of which, why does everyone call the rotating light image the "Drudge siren"? Sirens make a sound. The Drudge Siren does not. Why does the blogging world insist upon destroying the semantic difference between light and siren. Brian Sides With Big Business, Again CNet reports that Cities brace for broadband war. Why a war?
This time, the city's futuristic ambitions are challenged not by the rigors of geography but by obstacles of business: specifically, telecommunications giant BellSouth and cable provider Cox Communications, which claimed the region as their own years ago. But the historic coastal community, known for its eclectic culture and rhythmic Zydeco music, is not about to abandon the pioneering spirit that begat its visionary reputation.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Poor Balance Checkbook on Backs of Missouri Phone Customers The short item in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch today, bearing the innocuous-sounding title "Additional fee on phones starts Sunday", but it tells a story of the creeping socialism of modern life:
Let's take bets....what's the next thing that the government will subsidize or force us to subsidize through service fees?
Spot the Spurious Assertion Gentle reader, I present to you this review of Ntozake Shange's novel Betsey Brown and ask you to spot the spurious assertion within. Here's a hint:
Perhaps I am speaking out of school, friends, as I have neither seen the movie version of nor have I read the book Meet Me In St. Louis (because, as you long time readers know, I am not a St. Louis partisan who would invite someone to meet me in this metro area; I am more of the We're In St. Louis, Now What? camp). So perhaps the DVD's deleted scenes have the Smith family's participation in the Klan's rites, or maybe the book presents a stark view of how the normal white family in the early 20th century hated and oppressed black people or wouldn't be seen publicly walking with them, for crying out loud. Or one could assume, as I do, that the author of this piece wants to inject that little poison into the common thought, that all white Americans have always been embarrassed or oppressive of their black fellow citizens. Because once this truth is accepted, we white Americans must guiltily attone until Sisyphus perches his rock. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Senseable Spending Could Drive Missouri Further into Mediocrity STATE SPENDING LIMITS: Trashing our future:
It would enshrine in the Missouri Constitution the shortchanging of our public schools, the decline of our state universities and the neglect of the poor and sick, abused children and the mentally ill. Over the long haul, it would undercut the state's economy, kill jobs and make Missouri a poorer, meaner place to live. It might increase crime, too. The committee approved a proposed constitutional amendment that would limit increases in state general spending to the rise in state population, plus the rise in consumer prices and medical inflation. It would require a vote of the people to spend more than a smidgen over that limit. The effect would be to freeze spending at about today's shriveled levels. |
To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."
"I will." Heather L. Igert, "Genuis." Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times "Some wanker." Kim du Toit, on the Noggle Library. "Brian J. Noggle apparently forgot that the proper design for a tin foil beanie calls for the shiny side out." Robb Allen, Sharp as a Marble. "I'm weeping openly right now. Thanks for hurting my feelings, pinhead." Bob Rybarcyzk, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Instapundit Protein Wisdom Ace of Spades HQ Wizbang! Outside the Beltway Robert B. Parker Dustbury Damn Interesting Michelle Malkin Radley Balko's The Agitator Exultate Justi Yippie-Ky-Yay! Signifying Nothing The Jawa Report Master of None Professor Bainbridge Virginia Postrel Ken Jennings Electric Venom Joanne Jacobs Faster Than The World Dilbert Blog Junkyard Blog In DC Journal IMAO Baldilocks Powerline Q and O Hugh Hewitt Buzz Machine Daniel Drezner Kim Du Toit Roger Simon Asymmetrical Information American Digest Blackfive The Volokh Conspiracy Ranting Profs The Patriette Balloon Juice Cold Fury Belmont Club Captain's Quarters On the Third Hand Tim Blair Chequer-Board Free Will Blog Emperor Misha Just One Minute Blame Bush Inaniloquent Trey Givens OverLawyered BucciBlog Little Green Footballs Overtaken by Events Rocket Jones Suburban Blight Another Rovian Conspiracy Angelweave Boondoggled VodkaPundit Bad Example Boots and Sabers Triticale Ann Althouse The American Mind MAWB Squad Spector's Hockey Fark /. 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