Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Inflation of Evil A bunch of kids throw a bag of feces (story). A juvenile prank and gross, but how does it fit on the moral scale? Well, according to the woman hit with the, erm, shrapnel:
The teens have been charged (story), and the woman, a school teacher, shows her perspective and forgiveness:
Meanwhile, inventive Federal prosecutors are no doubt finding ways of turning this into either a hate crime, a sex crime, or a fraud crime so that these kids can pay a greater penalty and really screw their lives up for a prank gone wrong. Junk Data Now A Felony Federal prosecutors have saved the day as they look to gin up charges for the woman whose online foolishness caused a girl's suicide. Well-played, you inventive devils in the executive branch!
Missouri and federal prosecutors in St. Louis previously examined the circumstances but passed on trying to build a criminal case, saying no law seemed to apply. Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Hillary's Villiage Takes A Child. At Gunpoint. A nighttime no-knock raid because a parent didn't take a child to the hospital after bumping its head? Hey, we don't have SWAT teams for nothing:
The doctor's recommendation: Take Tylenol and apply ice to the bruises. The boy was back home a few hours later. Authorities said they had reason to believe Shiflett mistreated his 11-year-old son, Jon, by failing to provide him proper medical care for a head injury. But Shiflett says his privacy and his rights were invaded, and that he has the right and the skill to treat his son himself. Shiflett, 62, said he served as a medic in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. (Link seen on Books, Bikes, and Boomsticks.) Laws Do Not Apply To Government, Again Judge: Wage law doesn't apply to local gov't:
That must make them a motley band of infighting self-anointed rulers of the plebes. I have to agree. Monday, January 07, 2008
Born With A Lead Spoon In My Mouth Are you a child of privilege? Apparently, it's all the latest rage for college professors to gin up something to prove that everyone of the appropriate need for guilt feel guilty about their privileges. Over at Dustbury, he's run his own numbers, and that prompted me to run mine:
Father went to college Father finished college Mother went to college Mother finished college Have any relative who is an attorney, physician, or professor (An uncle, apparently, got a PhD or something and now teaches at a small college or maybe private high school. Good enough.) Were the same or higher class than your high school teachers Had more than 50 books in your childhood home Had more than 500 books in your childhood home Were read children's books by a parent Had lessons of any kind before you turned 18 Had more than two kinds of lessons before you turned 18 The people in the media who dress and talk like me are portrayed positively (If they're dressed like me and talk like me, how else could they be?) Had a credit card with your name on it before you turned 18 Your parents (or a trust) paid for the majority of your college costs Your parents (or a trust) paid for all of your college costs Went to a private high school Went to summer camp Had a private tutor before you turned 18 Family vacations involved staying at hotels (We had a family vacation. Once.) Your clothing was all bought new before you turned 18 Your parents bought you a car that was not a hand-me-down from them There was original art in your house when you were a child Had a phone in your room before you turned 18 You and your family lived in a single family house Your parent(s) owned their own house or apartment before you left home I assume this includes "had a mortgage on".) You had your own room as a child Participated in an SAT/ACT prep course Had your own TV in your room in High School Owned a mutual fund or IRA in High School or College Flew anywhere on a commercial airline before you turned 16 (After the divorce and moving 400 miles from my father, he flew us up for one summer. And back, to my mother's relief.) Went on a cruise with your family Went on more than one cruise with your family Your parents took you to museums and art galleries as you grew up You were unaware of how much heating bills were for your family As for the television in the bedroom in high school, that's a big 10-no. However, when we were in the trailer in middle school, we had one in the room my brother and I shared. The 6x8 room we shared. And as for heating bills, that wasn't brought up; however, when I was at college, a very hoity Marquette University, when my sociology 001 professor asked what Milwaukee welfare benefits were, I guessed wrongly about $250 a month. I got that figure from my youth, when my mother worried that a $250 television repair paid for by a gift from more affluent relatives might trigger an investigation for welfare fraud. So keep that in mind, gentle reader, whenever you miscategorize me as a child of a suburban or upper middle class upbringing: the fact that I dress nicely for work and that I can quote a lot of classical literature belies my true place as white trash turned into art. Chemical Warfare in San Francisco Apparently someone is planting acid bombs in San Francisco:
It is the fourth time in about a month in which chemical-filled bottles have been found in San Mateo County, Battalion Chief Steve Cavallero said. Funny how little you can find about that on the Internet. Sunday, January 06, 2008
2007: The Year's Reading in Review To brag, here's the complete list of books I read in the 2007 goal year:
Overall, quite the eclectic mix. A lot of John Sandford and Ed McBain, some John Norman, and a mix of genre fiction, literary classics, poetry, and some non-fiction thrown in. Bow before my reading prowess and my ability to sit in a recliner for whole evenings instead of doing something productive with my life. Memo from the Laundry Room If someone gives you red towels for Christmas, that person is not your friend. I've washed this set twice using the color-lock vinegar method, and they still bleed red. Also, the manufacturer has used a special dye-as-binder method so that the actual washings are taking out as much of the linen as the dye. So when we put these special towels out when our "friend" comes by next year, she'll think we need more new towels. Red. And the circle will be unbroken. Good Book Hunting: November 21, 2007 (The Late Edition) Gentle reader, I have been holding something back from you. It's the results of our November 21 trip to yard sales and what books I bought there. I haven't been buying much in December except for a couple trips to the bookstore or (The Fred File, And Then We Came To The End, Honeymoon with my Brother, and Mark Bowden's Road Work). But in November, our last real excursion of last year, I bought the following: ![]() Click for full size
That lone book in the middle was a mistake; sometime in the transfer of passing back and forth the stack of books and the boy, we picked up the book upon which we had put the stack and there it is. Now it's mine by default. The end of yard sale season (which is November, oddly enough, here in Missouri) means we won't really go nuts buying books for a couple weeks yet until the sporadic book fairs begin again. Which gives me time to get in some reading, as you'll note below. Book Report: Star Trek III The Search for Spock by Vonda N. McIntyre (1984) Book Report: Star Trek III The Search for Spock by Vonda N. McIntyre (1984) As I insinuated in the book review for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, this book takes the script of the movie and what I know if it and goes a little beyond it. Okay, a lot beyond it. And she's the author who gave Mr. Sulu his name, which according to Wikipedia became canon not when she used it in her book, but when it was inserted into the script of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. So, do you remember the movie? Not much either you, huh? Funny how these movies are really so short in actual episodes/incidents/scenes when you come right down to it. This particular movie was the one between Khan and the whales, so it gets short shrift. Also, it reads more like a fattened television script (and the fattening isn't always flattering) than a novel in its own right. And, if you remember, this is the first movie that started the tradition of blowing up the Enterprise. Maybe it meant something in this movie (shock, if nothing else), by the time the Next Generation bunch were blowing them up like they were wooden Hollywood sets and not expensive pieces of government procurement, it was rote and boring. So the book's worth the time if you're a Star Trek fan (or a Vonda N. McIntyre fan, I suppose). If not, watch the movie. Book Report: Heat by Ed McBain (1981) Man, this book is old; Kling is still a new detective and married to the model who might have started cheating on him, The City is a pre-Giuliani cesspool, and the copyright date says 1981. Well, that's about all you can say about it to know how old the book is. Its contents and story have aged well, but it's worth remembering that this series is only middle aged here at about 30 years old. The main plot: on the hottest week of the year, the boys from the 87th find an apparent suicide in a apartment where the air conditioner has been shut off. This causes them to delve a little deeper, and they discover that several things in the apartment have been wiped of prints--including the thermometer and the bottle of pills the victim used in the suicide. So suicide it probably ain't. In side plots, a recent ex-con decides Kling deserves to die for sending him up and Kling's investigation of the alleged infidelity of his wife. The book's only 180 pages long, so it reads like a script for a television series in spots, but really, isn't that what we expect of these middle-of-the-series books? |
To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."
"I will." Heather L. Igert, "Genuis." Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times "Some wanker." Kim du Toit, on the Noggle Library. "Brian J. Noggle apparently forgot that the proper design for a tin foil beanie calls for the shiny side out." Robb Allen, Sharp as a Marble. "I'm weeping openly right now. Thanks for hurting my feelings, pinhead." Bob Rybarcyzk, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Instapundit Protein Wisdom Ace of Spades HQ Wizbang! Outside the Beltway Robert B. Parker Dustbury Damn Interesting Michelle Malkin Radley Balko's The Agitator Exultate Justi The McGehee Zone Signifying Nothing The Jawa Report Master of None Dr. Helen The Anchoress Electric Venom Kim Du Toit Belmont Club Little Green Footballs Overtaken by Events Rocket Jones Boots and Sabers Triticale Ann Althouse The American Mind Ravenwood's Universe Asymmetrical Information Boondoggled VodkaPundit Professor Bainbridge Virginia Postrel Ken Jennings Joanne Jacobs Faster Than The World Dilbert Blog Junkyard Blog In DC Journal IMAO Baldilocks Powerline Q and O Hugh Hewitt Buzz Machine Daniel Drezner Roger Simon American Digest Blackfive The Volokh Conspiracy Cold Fury Captain's Quarters Tim Blair Chequer-Board Emperor Misha Just One Minute Blame Bush Inaniloquent Trey Givens OverLawyered Suburban Blight Another Rovian Conspiracy Angelweave Bad Example Rachel Lucas View from the Porch StL Recruiting a big victory Spector's Hockey Fark /. TechDirt F*****d Company CNet News Joel on Software James Lileks Mark Steyn Bob Rybarczyk Richard Roeper Neil Steinberg John Kass Steven Chapman Drudge Report Ananova Slate Reason's Hit and Run Best of the Web Today National Review's The Corner Tech Central Station Fox News CNN Washington Post Washington Times Chicago Tribune Chicago Sun-Times Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel St. Louis Post-Dispatch San Francisco Chronicle New York Post Shepherd Express Riverfront Times New York Observer ScrappleFace Bob from Accounting The Onion Top Five List David Letterman's Top Ten BBSpot U.S. Constitution Declaration of Independence Snopes.Com (Urban Legends) Internet Movie Database Complete Works of Shakespeare Marvel Directory Blooberry HTML Reference ![]() Visualize World Hegemony ![]() Cog in the Machine ![]() Tao Sharks ![]() Humor not displayed ![]() Beware of Conservative 3/30/03 - 4/6/03 4/6/03 - 4/13/03 4/13/03 - 4/20/03 4/20/03 - 4/27/03 4/27/03 - 5/4/03 5/4/03 - 5/11/03 5/11/03 - 5/18/03 5/18/03 - 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