Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
John Cole Makes The Medium Time Perusing the paper this afternoon, I discovered the page 1 story in the Everyday section entitled Web Surfing the Presidential Pool", and I skim it, finding in the section on Dennis Kucinich, a URL for a permalink from John Cole at Balloon Juice, featured proudly on the MfBJ blogroll. Congrats, John. You're in the medium time when the St. Louis Post-Dispatch notices you. Yahoo! MfBJ: Your #3 source on the Internet for pictures of gruesome jail inmate kills .That's on the $9.95 a month password-protected site. Order now! A Rock in My Reeboks Local or state politicians often like to make an argument like this one regarding getting "their slice of the pie":
In case it's the former, I offer the following explanation to our municipal or state leaders:
So get over the fact that Mississippi and Wyoming aren't going to subsidize your schools, and maybe, you know, stop spending money profligately and maybe you could squeak by on whatever annual millions you can skim from the top while the citizenry makes do with green-capped milk. (Link seen on Drudge.) Columnist Argues for a Classless Society Bill Hobbs links to a column in the Philadelphia Daily News wherein the columnist executes a number of cheap shots on Brett Favre. Sounds like Brett Favre's a man to me. I'd like to see what sort of erroneous, idealized self-image the columnist has of himself to see how he reconciles his own perfection with the ability to make snarky comments about another man's recently-deceased father. Spoken like a man who has not yet lost his father. Friday, January 09, 2004
Why Do East Coasters Equate St. Louis With Bowling? Lord, love a duck. Seems that some Charlotte newspaper writer has written a piece denigrating (uh oh, insensitive word) the St. Louis football fans' enthusiasm. Seems amid his trash talk, he's got to fixate on the Bowling Hall of Fame. Here's his lead, that is, his first couple paragraphs:
Well, OK, if you're a football fan you might not recognize those names. That's because they're not football players. They're bowlers. Here you can spend hours (really!) at the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame. It shares a building with a museum honoring the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. Milwaukee has more bowling alleys per capita than any other city in the world, ainna? Oh, and if you're a Rams fan, you can read his column at the Charlotte Observer site (registration required), or you can see where the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has reprinted it. Tomlinson doesn't waste the opportunity to mock St. Louis for its unhistoried Rams team. How cute. From the fan of a ten-year-old football team. Those From Wisconsin Just Don't Understand Speaking of sports fandom as a hobby, even those from the vaunted Charlotte area cannot understand true passion. I have a niece named Starr. Two Rs. Not misspelled. Thursday, January 08, 2004
Book Review: Naked Beneath My Clothes by Rita Rudner (1992) I paid $3.95 for this book at Downtown Books in Milwaukee, and it's worth every penny. Of course, I bought it used, scavenging upon an already-paid royalty as far as the author's concerned, and I'm sorry, Ms. Rudner. However, rest assured, upon the weight of this book, I have added some of your other, more readily-available material to my Amazon wish list so my ungrateful readers can browse it if they want but not buy anything. For those of you damn kids out there who don't know Rita Rudner is, she's a very funny comedienne from back in the old days of cablized standup, which is to say the late 1980s. Ah, the old days. When Richard Jeni, Rita Rudner, Dennis Wolfowitz, and their kind first started getting HBO specials and when Rosie O'Donnell was a an obscure unfunny stand-up comic who MCed VH-1s stand-up spotlight, and nobody knew who she was. The good old days. This book was written probably at Rita Rudner's zenith, back in the administration of the first Bush presidency, before the Internet bubble, and before blogs. Remember those days? I digress, of course. This book collects some of Ms. Rudner's comedic musings. She's witty with the pen as well as the microphone, and she turns some nifty phrases. She's no P.J. O'Rourke or Dennis Miller, but she's far above say, Andy Rooney (several of whose books I purchased in the same little humor alcove of Downtown Books as I bought this volume). Rudner's 45 chapters (brief, in 162 pages) capture some of the truisms of life and relationships, and they're quite funny. I read this particular bit to my esteemed spouse because it accurately captures the tension between a husband and wife when it comes to clothes shopping:
Based upon the weight of that and the first chapter which she sneaked a read of while it sat beside the computer awaiting review, Heather will snatch this book from my read shelves and will read it herself. So if you don't believe me, believe her, or you will anger Heather and she will crush you. Quick Observation Is it just me, or do a lot of the Democrat presidential nominees all have first names for last names? There's Howard Dean, Wesley Clark, John Kerry, Jonathan Edwards.... I am not sure what this means, but our crack staff of paranoid neurotics (not the paranoid schizophrenics, who make things up) here at MfBJN are working on it as we speak. The prevalent working hypothesis: It will be easier for candidates to completely reinvent themselves in 2008 if each has a completely new name, such as Dean Howard, Clark Wesley, or Clinton Hillary. We the People will have completely forgotten about that other schmuck losers whose ideas and policies were completely out of touch with the direction in which we want the country to go by then. A Quiet Evening At Home My esteemed spouse has joined NetFlix, and she received a disc in the mail the other day. Maid in Manhattan. "A chick flick," she called it. With Jennifer Lopez in a maid uniform, honey, it's got something for the whole family, don't you worry. So we watched that tonight. I'm trying to convince Heather we don't have to send it back right away. Lazy Fare has a story featuring Carly Fiorina, head of Hewlett-Packard-Compaq-Digital, telling the information technology professionals who are watching their profession awaken after the party that was the Internet boom and stagger into the developing world for a quick bit of relief from burgeoning labor costs. Fiorina says:
But that's the way business works, and society and government ought to let the businesses do their thing. I'm with you, Carly. Of course, I wouldn't invest money in that sinking ship you're piloting towards the crumbling glacier, but I'm with you. Well, no, I'm not. Because the solutions she proposes are not laissez-faire capitalism solutions:
"I have a real degree of difficulty with the fact that we are spending some five to eight times as much on the industry of the 19th century than we are on the industry of the 21st century," Barrett said. The executives also urged a national broadband policy to allow more homes and businesses to quickly take advantage of high-speed data networks, much as Japan and Korea have done. They also called for dramatic improvements in K-12 education in the United States, saying schools act more to block budding math and science students than to foster them. And In An Alternate Universe.... When ESPN's Jim Kelley would report:
We tip our proverbial hat to the work of veterans like Mats Sundin in Toronto, Robert Lang in Washington, Joe Sakic in Colorado, Markus Naslund in Vancouver and Brett Hull in St. Louis. Wednesday, January 07, 2004
A Homie Too Harsh? Owen over at Boots and Sabers links to a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel story about a 71-year-old, wheelchair-bound hit and run victim in my old neighborhood in Milwaukee. Here's Owen's post on Boots and Sabers:
The victim, Ernest McNair, was wheeling down Appleton Ave. about 7:40 p.m. Monday when he ws hit by the westbound car, police said. He died early Tuesday morning at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hosptial. I sure hope this dirt bag dies a long, painful, and lingering death. I think that may be too good for him (or her). Bastard.
A friend of McNair's told an investigator he came by his apartment Monday looking for money to do some drinking, but left when the friend told him he didn't have any cash. The circumstances of the accident were sketchy Tuesday, while police asked for any witnesses to contact them. Full disclosure: The first novel I started in college, entitled Tragedies, dealt with the hit and run accident of a housewife at the corner of Villiard and Appleton in Milwaukee, which is the 9000 block of Appleton. The corner between the Westside Liquor store and what used to be a Sentry foods. The assailants were a couple of scared kids. The tragedies, of course, referred to the fact that all the lives were destroyed. So that's the perspective from whence my Of course, running from the accident is wrong, but on the scale of evil, accidentally hitting a hard-to-see object in the dark is substantially less than shouting, "Crippled old man, one point!" and swerving into McNair. It's Cold Out There, Prosecutors; Don't Forget To Layer Up More from prosecutorial "layering" of charges indicated in a St Louis Post-Dispatch Law and Order round-up:
Two men have been indicted on charges that they bilked people through home construction scams, the U.S. attorney's office in St. Louis said Tuesday. One of the men, Jeffrey Thomas, is accused of selling the same property in St. Louis County to three buyers. He collected more than $500,000 on the sales, and did nothing to build on the property, according to the federal indictment. Thomas, 36, of the 300 block of Autumn Creek Drive in Valley Park, is charged with mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. The other defendant, Carlton Dinwiddie, 39, of East St. Louis, is charged with mail fraud and misuse of a Social Security number. Teaching An Old Joke New Tricks A baby boomer father and son, walking in the forest, come upon a grizzly bear. The father immediately opens a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and begins stuffing glazed doughnuts down his craw. "What are you doing?" the son said. "You can't earn enough to pay taxes to offset the increased entitlements that politicians are enacting to buy your vote." "I don't have to earn enough," the father said. "I only have to have a coronary before the bear that metaphorically represents the impending fiscal collapse catches us." If that's not the zaniest link to a Robert Samuelson column ever, I don't know what is. Troubleshooting Blogger I realize I am but a knuckle-dragging software tester, so take pity on me, oh soon-to-be-IPOed development staff at The <$BlogItemArchiveFileName$> server-side variable is not currently including the name of my archive directory, strangely enough entitled /archives/ , into the path; ergo, when a user clicks this permalink, it leads them to the archive filename and post number in my root directory, but the archive file is not in that directory. It's in /archives/ .Please translate this into Hindi and have Uncle Ray's friends fix the problem. Also, if one of my dear readers wants to link directly to my post, please add the archives directory to the URL by hand. For example, if you right-click the permalink link at the bottom of the post and select "Properties," you'll see this URL currently: If you add the /archives/ directory to the URL, like so: It will work. Undoubtedly, will acknowledge this problem once they have it solved. In a couple of weeks. Are You Listening, Ehrenreich? Donald Sensing's eyes have opened to some of the depravity and hardship suffered by the American poor. The real question is, "Is Barbara Ehrenreich listening?" Probably not; she's probably enjoying an indiscretion that will keep her from getting any job that requires a drug test. However, I have a hot tip for her next book: Half the families in the country earn less than the average household income! Quick, redistribute the wealth until we're all above average! Vote for Dean Howard! Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Busted! Notice this page on my "innocent" wife's blog: cat_recipes.html. Maybe I should take back what I said about her conmingling cat care books and cookbooks. Thank Goodness Software "Engineers" Aren't Civil Engineers Otherwise, we would see this in the defect tracker:
Thank goodness we keep these madmen in ill-lit cubicle cells where they can only harm information and not real people. Ahhhhh...... Information-systems-industry-venom sacs emptied..... Compare and Contrast In New York, compare and contrast:
Book Review: The Fine Art of Swindling edited by Walter B. Gibson (1966) The more things change, the more they stay the same, and that goes for stupid is as stupid does and a fool and his or her money are soon parted. This book collects a number of essays and nonfiction pieces that appeared in The New Yorker, The Saturday Evening Post, and other periodicals or publications. Each essay explores a scammer or a scam in detail, but most of the scams come from around the turn of the century (as the book itself is almost forty years old). Two things strike me:
Fine art of swindling, indeed. Curse you, Sheldon! Next time I am in your book shop, I am pulling the books out by putting my fingers at the top of the spine. Sunday, January 04, 2004
To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."
"I will." Heather L. Igert, "Genuis." Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times "Some wanker." Kim du Toit, on the Noggle Library. "Brian J. Noggle apparently forgot that the proper design for a tin foil beanie calls for the shiny side out." Robb Allen, Sharp as a Marble. "I'm weeping openly right now. Thanks for hurting my feelings, pinhead." Bob Rybarcyzk, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Instapundit Protein Wisdom Ace of Spades HQ Wizbang! Outside the Beltway Robert B. Parker Dustbury Damn Interesting Michelle Malkin Radley Balko's The Agitator Exultate Justi The McGehee Zone Signifying Nothing The Jawa Report Master of None Dr. Helen The Anchoress Electric Venom Kim Du Toit Belmont Club Little Green Footballs Overtaken by Events Rocket Jones Boots and Sabers Triticale Ann Althouse The American Mind Ravenwood's Universe Asymmetrical Information Boondoggled VodkaPundit Professor Bainbridge Virginia Postrel Ken Jennings Joanne Jacobs Faster Than The World Dilbert Blog Junkyard Blog In DC Journal IMAO Baldilocks Powerline Q and O Hugh Hewitt Buzz Machine Daniel Drezner Roger Simon American Digest Blackfive The Volokh Conspiracy Cold Fury Captain's Quarters Tim Blair Chequer-Board Emperor Misha Just One Minute Blame Bush Inaniloquent Trey Givens OverLawyered Suburban Blight Another Rovian Conspiracy Angelweave Bad Example Rachel Lucas View from the Porch StL Recruiting a big victory Spector's Hockey Fark /. TechDirt F*****d Company CNet News Joel on Software James Lileks Mark Steyn Bob Rybarczyk Richard Roeper Neil Steinberg John Kass Steven Chapman Drudge Report Ananova Slate Reason's Hit and Run Best of the Web Today National Review's The Corner Tech Central Station Fox News CNN Washington Post Washington Times Chicago Tribune Chicago Sun-Times Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel St. Louis Post-Dispatch San Francisco Chronicle New York Post Shepherd Express Riverfront Times New York Observer ScrappleFace Bob from Accounting The Onion Top Five List David Letterman's Top Ten BBSpot U.S. Constitution Declaration of Independence Snopes.Com (Urban Legends) Internet Movie Database Complete Works of Shakespeare Marvel Directory Blooberry HTML Reference ![]() Visualize World Hegemony ![]() Cog in the Machine ![]() Tao Sharks ![]() Humor not displayed ![]() Beware of Conservative 3/30/03 - 4/6/03 4/6/03 - 4/13/03 4/13/03 - 4/20/03 4/20/03 - 4/27/03 4/27/03 - 5/4/03 5/4/03 - 5/11/03 5/11/03 - 5/18/03 5/18/03 - 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