Thursday, July 10, 2008
A License In Time Saves Nine
Some people think the power of licensing can prevent the deaths of children or tragedies of all sorts. What sort of license could have prevented this?
    Adin was already dead, beaten by the defendant at a Motel 6 near the airport because he had wet his pants and was crying, Gabler admitted the next day to police and in court Wednesday.

    Gabler wrapped the body in sheets, stuffed the corpse into a suitcase, and drove to Clyde Hamrick Elementary School, just west of Highway 21, near House Springs, where Gabler grew up.

    Adin was the son of Min Choi of Maryland Heights. She was visiting relatives in New York and left Adin in Gabler's care. The couple had been going together for about two years.

    Larner said Gabler went on a heroin binge that week and took the drug both before and after Adin's death.
  • A license before dating a heroin user.

  • A license before traveling to New York without your children.

  • A license for dumping bodies.

Add your own tasteless comments if you need to. Point is, though, that people lie at the heart of many tragedies, whether accidental or willful, and any license regime will not prevent them.

You're continuing your argument in the post on 7/1, here. That's non sequitur.

Not to mention the fact that you never got around to approving my comments on your 7/1 post. That's cowardly.

I was debating internally whether to let the matter of the previous post drop or to respond with longer bit. I have posted a longer comment and have approved your comment.

Methinks Mike Blecha has a weird concept of what "non sequitor" is used to denote...

Frankly, I think all the problems you note in this post can be covered by a license to breathe. Heck, make licenses to breathe available at tag agencies. That'd serve a couple of additional purposes, not the least of which would be clearing a few idiots off the roads by means of long waits in line...

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