Friday, May 02, 2008
Book Report: Pogo: We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us Walter Kelly (1972)
As I mentioned when I bought this book, it would probably be a good book to read during a ball game. It was.

I admit I wasn't that familiar with the Pogo comic strip. Of course, one book doesn't make me a knowledgeable fan by any stretch of the imagination. I didn't get into it in high school, when I had access to a daily paper carrying it. The humor is sort of dry and carries over between the different days into storylines. That's the way they did it in the old days, before the strips became mostly episodic and didn't rely on daily readers to keep up.

Funny how television has reversed that as consumers rely more on DVDs and timeshifting to keep up. I wonder if Web comics will do the same, or if they're doing it already.

The comic tends to skewer a right and a bit of left, poking at the powerful regardless of their persuasion or means to power. Good enough. Even when it skewers my particular oxen, it doesn't do it hatefully, so I'm not offended. Maybe I'm layering on the sepia, but political opponents and humorists who were politically different didn't always acutely offend, apparently.

On the plus side, I got this book at a book sale for under a buck; you can get it from Amazon for as little as $35 and change.

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That's what used to be so cool about Bloom County - back before Breathed had his bipartisan humor chip removed, and turned into a slightly less annoying Garry Trudeau.

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