Monday, December 03, 2007
It's Only Tricky In 2007
Here's an obvious Constitutional crisis in the making:
    Either way, a two-story mural decrying eminent domain is testing the boundaries of the First Amendment, sparking a federal lawsuit that challenges the city's intricate zoning code.

    At issue is a tricky constitutional dilemma — fighting clutter versus protecting free speech — that experts say could force St. Louis to rewrite its laws regarding outdoor signs.
When your basic Bill of Rights freedom runs counter to a municipal regulation applied to a political message advocating the limitation of government power, which should win? In 2007 America, apparently it's a toss-up. At least according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Gosh, I must have missed the part of the Constitution about fighting clutter. D'ya suppose it's emanating in one of those penumbras I keep hearing about?

Actually, it precedes the Constitution; it's a traditional law where the leaders make their own rules and apply them to the peasants as they see fit.

Something about revolutions and the wall comes to does that go again? Oh, if only I could remember.

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