Gravy Train Turf Battle
A senior Congressman sees fit to inject his office into oversight of televangelism:
The top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee has launched a wide-ranging investigation into the financial dealings of six TV evangelists, including Joyce Meyer, the popular preacher who has built a $124-million-a-year empire headquartered in Fenton.
On Monday, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, asked Meyer to provide his staff with documents detailing the finances of the Joyce Meyer Ministries, including the religious group's compensation to Meyer, her husband and other family members, as well as an accounting of their housing allowances, gifts and credit card statements for the last several years.
Congress shall make no law doesn't say a thing about fishing expeditions into religious organizations, does it?
Update: James Joyner links to another article that describes
other targets of the investigation and applies the adjective