Explaining the Joke
Enormous steel sculpture lifted 12 stories:
A massive steel sculpture installed Sunday on the side of a South of Market building tells a story of humanity's past and its uncertain future, says the Seattle artist who spent two years on the project.
The five pieces of stainless steel, obliquely titled "Artifacts from a Coal Mine" and weighing well over 10,000 pounds, were affixed as public art to the outside of a contemporary brick and concrete condominium building at 177 Townsend at Third Street.
"They evoke a lost world and the uncertainty of climate change," said artist Mark Stevens, pacing Townsend Street as one giant sculpture after another was hoisted 12 stories up by a 200-foot-high crane.
If you have to say what your tangle of metal is supposed to represent, it's not actually
evoking anything, ainna?