Is There A Lesson Government Can Learn From This?
A front page article in the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch outlines how faith-based organizations delivered more aid to Katrina-ravaged regions than FEMA:
The scope and scale of the devastation brought by Katrina, which crashed ashore Aug. 29, 2005, underscored the crucial role religious groups play in emergency response and recovery.
The National Council of Churches estimates that church-sponsored volunteers have produced $600 billion worth of labor for the Gulf Coast. In contrast, the total amount of federal funds spent on Katrina aid as of March was $53 billion.
Lower-overhead operations driven by their own desire to help fellow man rather than their desire to keep their jobs/budget will tend to be more efficient than the government? Hah!
"There were so many things we learned," said John Kim Cook, director of the Department of Homeland Security's Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. "The framework for responding to a disaster is being revised to be more inclusive of faith-based organizations to make sure (the partnership) is improved upon and enhanced for the future."
The government needs to keep its budget and its jobs and to
manage the partnership it has with church groups better.
The lessons government teaches itself never include lessening its reach or trimming its tentacles, ainna?