Ignore the Lesson, Citizen, and Turn in Your Firearm
911 call failed to stop attack that killed man:
Sheriff's deputies were warned about an increasingly angry confrontation between two groups that led to the death of a 26-year-old Fijian immigrant, but the officers could not find the site, a sheriff's spokesman said Wednesday.
Wolfgang Chargin of Folsom called 911 on July 1 to report that trouble was brewing between a group of Russian-speaking people and a group of Fijian and East Indian immigrants in a picnic area at Lake Natoma near Folsom.
The call came in to the California Highway Patrol and was transferred to the Sacramento County Sheriff's dispatcher about three hours before the fatal confrontation. Satender Singh was punched and hit his head when he fell. He died a few days later after being taken off life support.
We're not talking about a thirty second just out of the nick of time thing here. Three hours after the call the violence occurred.
Now, think about those response times when you're in an emergency. Who's going to respond faster, an emergency call switched between different law enforcement agencies, or your twitchy finger?