Thursday, January 04, 2007
Noggle: 2007 May Be Worst Smelling Year Ever
Scientists predict 2007 May Be Warmest Yet. Well, in that spirit, I'd like to say a few things about 2007:
  • It may be the worst smelling year ever if everyone forgets to shower and the dogs run amok and defecate everywhere, leading people to track it into buildings.

  • It may be the coldest year ever if El Padre locks El Nino in his room for not doing his homework.

  • It may be the worst hurricane season ever, or the best, or somewhere in between.

  • It may be the year Prince Charles ascends the throne and orders an invasion of the United States and Canada to restore them to British hands, if he goes completely mad.
I mean, come on, they're scientists. They make predictions that may come true, but they're working off of slightly less incomplete sets of data than Pat Robertson. How come these fellows get a headline more sympathetic than scientists who say man might have actually lived concurrently with dinosaurs? How about those who say the natural world has a greater tolerance than mankind could overcome even if it tried?

Because one might move public policy in a more progressive direction, you think?

I like your predictions, I must link them. ;-)

LOL On a visit from Just D's recommendation....
Funny stuff..thanks for sharing.

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To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."