Tuesday, August 15, 2006
St. Louis Public Schools: Past Farce
I felt a great disturbance in the language, as if millions of grammarians suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Back 2 School
I don't know what's worse: that the St. Louis City public schools have to advertise so heavily to remind their apathetic student body to please, return at least the first couple of days so we can count you as enrolled when it comes time to get the state and federal funding.

No, what's worse is that the city schools in St. Louis have officially elevated 2 to preposition status. I mean, for cryssake, if the schools are going to write like that, how do they expect their students to do better?

Maybe they just don't.

Good luck continuing to pretend to be a viable, meaningful institution. See also reason #8922 why Brian never considered moving to the city when looking for a new home.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."