Monday, May 08, 2006
Nothing Better Than Irreversible Body Modification Except Irreversible Body Modification That Requires Cancer-Causing Light To See
A new view for tattoos: Ultraviolet ink conceals body art for day jobs but comes alive under black lights:
    In just about any professional setting, it would be almost impossible to notice anything different about Caitlin Sabel's wrists. They might appear a tad scarred, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

    Look at them under a black light, though, and the words glow. Then, in an old-English font, her left wrist reads "regret" and her right "nothing."
Ah, the innovative ways of parting money from fools.

And for those folks who want to rebel against EVERY group, how about tattoos that show up during your day job, but are invisible under black light?

"I reject your conformist culture!" can then be hollered 24/7.

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