Monday, March 20, 2006
Post-Dispatch Embraces Exceedingly Arbitrary Law
Subdivision's 17 mph speed limit marks life in slow lane:
    Road signs in Heritage of Hawk Ridge make some drivers in the subdivision do a double take, and that's just what developers wanted.

    The posted speed limit in the retirement development is 17 mph.
It's so novel that it warrants a story in the paper even though it's not a legally-enforceable limit. It's as much a novelty sign as the Trumpet Parking Only sign my wife hangs in her office--but the Post-Dispatch writes the story anyway, trying to convey that it's a neat idea and an attention-getter, and the Post-Dispatch has by now gotten the attention of innumerable aldermen, councilmen, and perhaps even a selectman or two.

And why the hell not change the speed limits to some fool off-five number to get attention of motorists, most of whom will continue to drive at speeds on the five s because that's where the line on the speedometer is. Ah, hell, laws and rules of the road are enacted catch as catch can to bolster revenues and to respond to infrequent accidents anyway.

I just wish the Post-Dispatch would be more consistent in lauding creativity in law enforcement that accosts and captures actual felons if they're going to be so happy about things that ensnare normal people.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."