Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Kevin McGehee Has No Geek Cred
Some of you readers might know that I have this thing about Kevin McGehee of Yippee-Ki-Yay!.

"Why?" Some of you ask. "After all, McGehee is cool; he's got a Web log."

That's not enough.

Kevin McGehee Lacks Geek Cred

Signs include:
  • First of all, let's address this.
    • Dude, where's the mad Photoshopping skillz? I mean, come on, Microsoft Paint comes with your computer; put your back into it!

    • Of all the characters in an obscure 30-year-old movie, you're comparing me to Riff Raff? Dude, the only character only arguably better in the movie is Eddie. I'm not suffering here.

  • Word on the street is that Kevin McGehee actually welcomed the Second Edition Rules. I'm just sayin'.

  • Kevin McGehee: DC. Me: Marvel.

  • In the great debate of Microsoft versus Linux, Kevin McGehee answers, "Paper inside plastic."

  • Kevin McGehee claims his first computer was a "386-16MHz PC with a 40MB hard drive and 4MB of RAM, and with Windows 3.0 installed." Brother, if your first computer didn't have a brand like Commodore, Apple, Texas Instruments, Tandy/TRS, or Timex, much less had a freaking hard drive, get out of town.

  • Kevin McGehee doesn't know the difference between Florida DOT S1 Mixes and Wisconsin SuperPave PG 58-28 mixes. (Okay, so that's a bullet point that indicates that McGehee lacks street cred; however, I'll include it here because I need to flesh out this list.
Friends, I have met geeks in my life, and Kevin McGehee is nothing but a potential Commie cyborg from the past pretending to be a geek to win your confidence.

"Of all the characters in an obscure 30-year-old movie, you're comparing me to Riff Raff? Dude, the only character only arguably better in the movie is Eddie. I'm not suffering here."

Yes you are. In the audience participation, I was Eddie. :-p

"Brother, if your first computer didn't have a brand like Commodore, Apple, Texas Instruments, Tandy/TRS, or Timex, much less had a freaking hard drive, get out of town."

You must have overlooked the part about the VIC-20.

"Word on the street is that Kevin McGehee actually welcomed the Second Edition Rules."

The what?

The what?


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