Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Interesting Theory
Why are poll numbers for the Iraq war slipping? According to Harold Meyerson in the Washington Post, the obvious answer is:

Not enough hippies:
    In the absence of an antiwar movement, the American people have turned against the war in Iraq. Those two facts, I suspect, are connected.
He also goes on to use the term "U.N. aegis" without sarcasm, which indicates that the word does not mean what he thinks it means.

The aegis was Zeus's shield, and as the residents of Rwanda and Srebrenica could attest (if they weren't dead) that the U.N. cannot defend anyone but its leaders. The aegis was not Zeus's proclivity to come down from on high and copulate with underage natives, which is a trait UN peacekeepers do share with the lord of the thunderbolt.

(Submitted to the Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.)

*tilting head this way & that*

Nope. Still not seeing the connection...

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