Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Taxing Behavior

States Mull Taxing Drivers By Mile:
    It's [a hybrid car] great for Just but bad for the roads he's driving on, because he also pays a lot less in gasoline taxes which fund highway projects and road repairs. As more and more hybrids hit the road, cash-strapped states are warning of rough roads ahead.

    Officials in car-clogged California are so worried they may be considering a replacement for the gas tax altogether, replacing it with something called "tax by the mile."

    Seeing tax dollars dwindling, neighboring Oregon has already started road testing the idea.
Keep that in mind whenever your government wants to tax a behavior, such as using gas, smoking, drinking, or using a telephone. When that behavior changes, the spending remains, so the government will have to finally demonstrate some creativity--not in cutting spending, but in taxing something else for money to waste.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."