Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wrong Focus

AOL to expand capabilities in Web searches:
    America Online is expanding its online search capabilities in an effort to establish a bigger presence in the lucrative search-advertising market.

    AOL is expected to announce on Thursday that it has teamed up with several technology suppliers to help it offer expanded search functions, such as improved geographic-based searches, clustering results by topic and helping people refine their searches through suggested alternative keywords.

    AOL plans to expand the advertising appearing on its search page, the article said. It will also use the unusual approach of charging advertisers based on how many telephone calls are generated by their ads.
No word about improving the customer experience; if anything, it looks like it will adversely impace the user experience with the inclusion of more advertising.

Perhaps AOL should stop the continuous loop of Field of Dreams at headquarters. Just because you build it does not mean the users will come.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."