Cue the Violins
Rural counties keep afloat with tape and bubble gum:
Weaverville, Trinity County -- Supervisors in this 13,000-resident county the size of Rhode Island are postponing $3 million in road repairs to keep Trinity's debt-ridden hospital afloat.
You mean Trinity County, which
owns and operates five public use general aviation airports located throughout the County?
Trinity County, which
gives out grants according to the directives of the
its Trinity County Children and Families First Commission's Strategic Plan [to spend money]?
Which has its own
Department of Tobacco Education?
Which has its own
Department of Risk Management?
Which has a number of parks and its own
Library System?
Although money might be scarce, I think that these municipalities, like most other governments, lack clear priorities. They run out of money before they run out of ideas, but they don't put the ideas on hold or examine their feasibility; instead, they get more money.