Thursday, December 30, 2004
You Want Imagination?

San Francisco lawyer and trainer of international prosecutors and other internationalist muckety-mucks Robert S. Rivkin asks:
    So -- where is the imagination in our national leadership?
Unfortunately, Rivkin's "imagination" only extends to more taxation on Americans for two years (come on, permanently--taxes don't go away that easily, or we'd be done wiring rural areas for phone by now) to rebuild southeast Asia:
    For example, the president could propose a flat $50 surtax applicable to every American tax return with an adjusted gross income of between $25,000 and $40,000; a flat $75 surtax on every tax return with an adjusted gross income between $40,000 and $80,000; $100 for incomes over $80,000, and so on. This small assessment for two years would produce many billions of dollars, which could be placed into a fund which would support infrastructure repair and development over a period of at least 10 years in the stricken countries.
Hey, you want imagination? How about this proposal: Now, some tribes in devestated areas are probably not that far--maybe a generation or two--from head hunting and cannibalism. How about we send a couple of San Fransisco attorneys to tide them over? We've got a surplus here in America, and it's awful stingy of us to let them simply grow old and die when they could sustain a family for a month.

(Thanks to Jeff Jarvis for starting my morning off right--with indignation and head shaking.)

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."