Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Top Mispronunciations of Milla Jovavich's Name

Since Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom is in Utah, I am cutting into his turf with a short humor post like what he does. So I hereby present, sympathetically, the ways that people have certainly mangled poor Milla Jovavich's name to her face, probably when she was arguing with the maitre'd at a second tier restaurant in L.A.:
  • Milla Javovavich.

  • Milla Brace Jovanovich.

  • Mylil Jehovahwitness.

  • Mille Bornes.

  • Thoroughly Modern Milla.

  • Miles Jovavich.

  • Milla Jovavavoom.

  • Milla Javovavovich.

Dang, that list of humorous items is harder than it looks.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."