Thursday, August 12, 2004
List of Columnist Who Bill McClellan Is No

I don't normally read Bill McClellan because I think he's obnoxious, and find his columns common, predictable, and rather simplistic. It's obvious he's trying to champion the common man, but I don't care to read about most of the people whom he champions.

To make it clear, I have created this handy chart of columnists you can easily use in the sentence, "Bill McClellan is no...."
John Kass Bob Greene Mary Schmich Clarence Page
Steve Chapman Eric Zorn Richard Roeper Neil Steinberg
John O' Sullivan George Will Anna Quindlen Mike Royko
Studs Terkel Robert Novak James Lileks Mark Steyn
Jim Stingl Whitney Gould Mike Nichols Andrea Peyser
Steve Dunleavy Charles Krauthammer Michelle Malkin Anne Applebaum
Robert J. Samuelson Bob Rybarcyzk The Night Cabbie David Nicklaus
80% of college op-ed columnists. Catherine Galasso-Vigorito Most Suburban Journal Opinion Shapers
That's a start.

This is the only time I am going to mention it. If I let my animosity towards other commentators eat at me, I'll start writing like Neil Steinberg.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."