Monday, June 21, 2004

You know, on weekends and, well, weekdays, I don't catch much television coverage of the news and I dodge radio coverage when I can.

That must explain why I haven't heard the stories covering declining gas prices. You know, the video that depicts the jubilant American street dancing under the gas station canopy, with gushing men and women on the street thanking government inappropriately for the partially-free market working and explaining that since gas prices have fallen thirty cents, they can afford to feed their children (expensive preprocessed food) and can once again afford to commute ninety minutes to work.

Because undoubtedly the media covered the what comes down portion of the cycle with the same alack!rity that they covered the what goes up story.

I just must have missed it.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."