Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Who Are They Kidding?

Important insight from WebMD Health News:
    Commercials featuring topless models with buff bodies and unattainable physiques may make the viewers feel depressed and unhappy with their bodies.

    Sound familiar? It is, but this time it's the men's turn to feel insecure.
Actually, it doesn't sound familiar at all, but then again I have what they call "self-esteem" mostly because I have an accurate depiction of why my body is the way it is, and I'm content with it. Sure, I'd like a little flatter stomach, but that would require more time on the gerbil machines and fewer Guinnesses.

So pardon me when I am skeptical when a woman psychologist from Central Florida University intones, seriously:
    "The level of muscularity and attractiveness that are idealized in the media often are not attainable for the average man," says researcher Stacey Tantleff-Dunn, professor of psychology at the University of Central Florida. "Men see more of a discrepancy between how they want to look, or think they need to look, and the image they see in the mirror. Such discrepancies can cause the dissatisfaction and low self-esteem that lead to extreme and often unhealthy actions, such as eating disorders, exercising too much, and steroid abuse."
You know what I think when I see an idealized level of muscularity and attractiveness in the media? I think, "Hey, I'm in the media!" or "Hey, man, I wish I had time to spend four hours a day in a gym; of course, I would spend it drinking Guinness and reading or napping in a recliner, but the time would be nice."

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."