Friday, April 30, 2004
Whose Your Theologian?

Geez, guys, I'm a few hours short of that Bachelor's Degree in Theology from a Jesuit university, but I can see the problem with Hugh Hewitt's assertion:
    "For all of its history, ADL has been self-asked to live up to one of the oldest most fundamental principles of civilization. It is actually one of the Commandments as we know: 'Love your neighbor.' And all of you are yourselves showing courage, because it can be bitter, it is tough. Bigotry, hatred, fear, drive people to do things that are inexplicable, and it is hard in any community to stand up against that, but it is vital."

    John Kerry --connecting again with yet another audience. ADL is a largely Jewish organization, which is not likely to recognize John Kerry's "commandment" as one of the big 10.
It sounds as though Hugh's saying the Jews are unfamiliar with the big 10, which would not be the case, since it's in Exodus, which describes the Hebrew exodus from Egypt.

Perhaps a nuanced reading might indicate that his audience will, in fact, recognize that Kerry's "commandment" isn't one of the commandments we know, but a basic teaching from the New Testament. But jeez, looies, Hewitt, be a little more careful that your sentences aren't open to the interpretation that Jewish people don't recognize (or perhaps believe in) the Big Ten Commandments, all right? You're not an anti-semite; don't give anyone the chance to paint you as one.

(Link seen first on Power Line.)

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."