Rinsing with Ronin
Sorry for the late start, dear reader, but tonight my
beautiful wife and I watched a movie together. We watched
Charlie's Angels Full Throttle. Yeeks. It was not like watching a video game, it was like watching the demo mode teaser for a video game. In love with its own mojo, and utterly incapable of any suspense or viewer buy-in.
So of course I had to rinse the taste out of my mouth, and I did so successfully with
Ronin. Ahhhhh. Jean Reno. Robert DeNiro. Masculinity and stoicism recharged.
Speaking of which, IMDb indicates that Reno has a house in Paris and a house in Los Angeles, and that he actually lives in France part of the year. I don't know what sort of Persephone relationship he has with France, but can't we liberate him somehow and make him an American citizen? He deserves it. The dude is