Sunday, February 08, 2004
No Exposition

While watching Two Mules for Sister Sara on Friday night, I noted to my beautiful wife, who ordered the movie on NetFlix and asked me to watch with her (because of my vast love for her, I tolerate chick flicks like this one), that the movie offered no expository information. No scrolling text to explain why Juáristas were or what the hell the French were doing in Mexico in the 1860s. Astounding.

I'm not sure whether that's because:
  • Educational standards in 1970 meant that viewers knew that much about Mexican history.

  • Western fans might be expected to know enough history to have picked that up.

  • Who cares why? It's Clint Eastwood!
Interesting things to speculate on. I knew. If you're interested, check out the Wikipedia entry for Benito Juárez and click around.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."