Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Lileks on Beer-making

James Lileks making your own beer:
    I can understand making one’s own beer if, for example, beer is not otherwise available. But there’s a store down the street that sells all manner of fine beers. Some are from breweries that date back to the 18th century. I imagine they’ve gotten the kinks out by now, and it’s safe to drink.
Probably even Modela Negro. Theoretically.

I know a couple of people, including the revered El Guapo, who make their own beers. I love you guys like brothers, but I'd like to point out two things about the process:
  • What you're doing looks kinda like work. I mean, growing your own hops? Is that necessary? That's prime napping time you're wasting.

  • You're totally not getting the capitalist system, wherein I exchange hours of writing illegible software documentation for a means of exchange, called money, which I can then trade for another good, namely delicious Guinness Draught. Your selfish manufacture of a good you could otherwise buy helps keep the economy stagnant and removes a excessive excisely tax revenue stream from trickling, or in our cases roaring, into state coffers.
Friends, and soon federal officials, won't let friends brew their own.

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."