Monday, May 26, 2003
Musings on the Matrix, Part VII

Yo, mainstream, get a schnucking clue. Everyone, at least everyone who's a sensitive albino, is throwing a shoe over the presentation of the Twins as lightly pigmented. Albinactivists are roaring as loud as they can about the poor light in which these characters portray albinos, since most albinos really don't know martial arts. Or something.

However, textual evidence in the movie would lead one to think that the Twins were not albinos, but ghosts. Remember, they talk about how supernatural-esque beings representing problem programs in the Matrix. Remember, Primeridian keeps old flawed programs like werewolves (two of whom Persephone shoots with silver bullets) around. Ergo, when confronted with a pair of pale characters who can discorporate at will, I don't think of albinos, I think of ghosts.

Unless the albino community has something they're keeping from us.

(On another note, do you think my characterization of Merovingian as "Primeridian" is enough of an offense to the greater geek community to be banished from the Elgeeksian Fields, or has my frequent escapades as an ad hoc software tester already taken care of that?)

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."