Wednesday, May 07, 2003
Fact Checking The Onion

Doh! In this week's issue, The Onion misquotes Alex Rogan, the main character of The Last Starfighter. The Onion's take is this:
    Continued Bush: "Or, as Alex says to [his girlfriend] Maggie, 'Don't you see this is it? This is our big chance. It's like, whatever this is, when it comes, you've got to grab on with both hands and hold tight.'"
But he really says: "It's like what Otis says...." Earlier in the movie, Otis, wizened and wisened resident within the trailer park, did give him that very advice.

Oh, sure, maybe the writer can claim that the joke is that it was Bush, the "pretender president," who made another one of his characteristic blunders. But I think the writer was playing slops with the cult culture of geeks and banked number four off of the eight ball, a bumper, and the thirteen ball without dropping it in the side pocket.

You Onion guys used to have geek cred when you were in Madison, but since you've gone to New York, you've gotten taken in by the glamour of the east coast and you ain't down with us here in the heartland no more.

(The doctors say I can overcome my dementia trivia with a prescription, but I declined.)

To say Noggle, one first must be able to say the "Nah."